B&W 602 S3 vs. PARADIGM STUDIO 20 V3 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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08-14-2005, 04:52 PM
calling on anyone who's had the priveledge of listening to these standmounts. A little help please........... :confused:

08-14-2005, 05:28 PM
What do you think -- why are they your final two selections? What else have you heard?

If you're planning not to go home theater and just listen to music I would skip both brands for something else - but tha's just my preference

08-14-2005, 05:31 PM
I think the more appropriate comparison would be between the 601s and Studio 20s and the 602s and the Studio 60s, although, the prices are not always comparable.

08-14-2005, 05:37 PM
Have you listened to either one of these speakers yet? That would be a first step. Can't mail order either of these speakers, so you have to visit an authorized retailer anyway.

Also, I'm not sure if the Studio 20 is the appropriate comparison with the DM602, because the Studio 20 lists for $800 while the DM602 goes for around $600. A more appropriate comparison would be the Paradigm Monitor 5.

In my listenings, the Studio 20 v.3 is a very well executed all-around speaker, and one of the best imaging speakers I've heard in that price class. I've not heard the DM602 S3, so I can't tell you how the two speakers compare directly. With previous versions, I thought that the Paradigms did a lot better with home theater sources, which is why I wound up building a 5.1 speaker set around the previous Studio series (and IMO, the latest Studio series is a notable overall improvement over what I own).

N. Abstentia
08-14-2005, 08:57 PM
Agreed, B&W's 600 line is the equivalent to Paradigms Monitor line.

To compete with Paradigm Studios look at B&W's CM line.

08-15-2005, 03:38 AM
Woochifer is correct the 600 series B&W is not an appropriate comparison with the Paradigm Reference series. The Studio 20 is in my opinion better in most every way that counts than the 600 series. Relative to cost the Paradigm Reference series compare to the B&W CDM's and relative to performance they compare to B&W's 700 series.

08-15-2005, 10:38 AM
Well you gottal love opinions because I agree with the others' suggestion - the 600 series in terms of PRICE should probably be compared to the Monitor Line -- but IMO in terms of performance should be compared to the Studio series. I prefer the B&W 602S3 to the Studio 20V3 (have not heard the 40V3) and I would take the 604S3 over the Studio 100V3. The B&W CM line is more expensive and worse IMO than both of these lines.

But I stress that opinion you will read all over the place including magazines -- until you actually hear them both in the same room witheither the same gear or complimentary gear (I have done this with these two companies) then all of it means little. And your dealer may have a better speaker for less money than the one's you went in considering in the first place -- that happened to me and I ended up taking a left turn from the initial plan and found some companies I liked better that I had never heard of. That's why it's nice to go to a dealer that carries at least 8-9 different speaker lines of different design. You never know what will crop up.

08-15-2005, 11:24 AM
Well you gottal love opinions because I agree with the others' suggestion - the 600 series in terms of PRICE should probably be compared to the Monitor Line -- but IMO in terms of performance should be compared to the Studio series. I prefer the B&W 602S3 to the Studio 20V3 (have not heard the 40V3) and I would take the 604S3 over the Studio 100V3. The B&W CM line is more expensive and worse IMO than both of these lines.

And from what you've stated previously, your listening of the Studio 20 v.3 was a brief one at a mall store, with no comparison listenings with the 602S3. Hardly an adequate basis from which to draw conclusive preferences for one speaker over another. The only speaker in the Studio v.3 series that you have listened to extensively is the Studio 100 v.3, which is not the topic of discussion on this thread.

08-15-2005, 03:49 PM
Well you gottal love opinions because I agree with the others' suggestion - the 600 series in terms of PRICE should probably be compared to the Monitor Line -- but IMO in terms of performance should be compared to the Studio series. I prefer the B&W 602S3 to the Studio 20V3 (have not heard the 40V3) and I would take the 604S3 over the Studio 100V3. The B&W CM line is more expensive and worse IMO than both of these lines.

That's what I was trying to say.

08-15-2005, 04:18 PM
alc I have had the priviledge to do an A/B test with the Studio 20 and the 602s3 on several occasions. My listening sessions took place in the same exact room on the same exact equipment. IMHO, the Studio 20 was no doubt more articulate in the upper bass region while providing lower frequency extension. The 602s3 had a more lush sound quality if you will that many have described as being polite and more laid back so to speak. The Studio 20's imaged better and remained more open and airy on the high frequencies. They both performed quite well but I consider them to be more or less polar opposites to some extent. Over all, I preferred the Studio 20's and would not hesitate to buy a pair if I had the funds to do so. The soundstage coming out of the Studio 20 was amazing. In a smaller room chances are for 2-channel music listening a sub would NOT be required for most musical tastes. What truly matters is what YOU prefer. Only you know what sounds good to you. Hope this helps. Happy hunting.

08-15-2005, 07:05 PM
Those two speakers plus the JMLab Chorus 707 were on my short list. Not much I can add to what Woochifer, artk and oddeoowphil38 said -- the 20's outclassed the 602 S3's. Great imaging, excellent bass for a small speaker and the clarity is superb. Bought them and haven't regretted the purchase at all.

08-15-2005, 08:38 PM
Woochifr is correct to note that I have not listened to the 20V3 directly against the 602S3. But I have heard the 20V3 and the 100V3 back to back and basically the 100V3 sounds the same but has a more bass depth -- same tweeter same midrange sound. The 100V3 is a thicker soundintg speaker. The 602S3 and the 604S3 has the exact same kind of verbiage. The 604s3 is thicker and bigger sounding than the 602S3. I think I am being reasonable fair in this assessment based on listening to all four speakers. Basically the speakers in these lines are the same with the difference of addintg more cabinetry and another woofer or two or theee.

And like I say the onus is on the buyer to be the person listening to the speakers anyway. personally I like several others under and in this price range over either or any of these two lines being considered if home theater is not a major concern.

I agree with the others' assessment that the B&W's are relative to the Paradigm more polite - but I liked the treble less in the Paradigm though the B&W wasn't exactly wonderful either. I also found the B&W to be more position unfriendly which is something I don't much care for in a loudspeaker - I have heard the 604S3 in two locations at two different dealers and one sessions was quite uninspiring - I get the sense they don't like to be too far apart. They both sounded peaky through the midrange in every location and with everything I've tried. I would give a shot to Energy as a lower cost alternative and get generally the same presentation - but I don't love its treble either (C-series). I would take the Dynaudio Audience 42 or, AN AX-Two as cheaper IMO better options.

08-16-2005, 07:55 AM
I have my DM601 s3 hooked to my Bryston 3B-sst, and I find the treble to be slightly more defined than my Studio 20's. Which are hooked to my Bryston 3B-st. I haven't swapped speakers or amps around to see if the sst was the reason for the slight improvement.

08-16-2005, 09:27 PM
Okay, I swapped speakers just for you guys. My 20's are now powered by the sst and the 601's the st. Although the 20's high frequencies are improved I still have to give the nod to the 601's. The difference is very difficult for me to differentiate but the highs like cymbals are just a tad better on the 601's IMO. Where the 20's excell over the 601's is with its much wider beam of sound.