Happy Birthday Rave Wreckers!!! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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01-05-2004, 08:52 AM
You know who you are. ;)

01-05-2004, 08:59 AM
You know who you are.

No, I really don't know who I am.

01-05-2004, 11:55 AM
You know who you are. ;)

ummmmmmm that would be you!

01-05-2004, 03:14 PM
I remember from last year, that there were several RRers celebrating a birthday today. I made a note of it but then lost my RR database when my computer crashed a couple of weeks ago and, now, I can't remember who they are. I thought that Stone was one of them (and I'll guess from his response that I was right) but there was another person too.

Happy Birthday Stone!

Would the other Birthday Boy, please identify himself. Thanks!

01-05-2004, 03:26 PM
I thought that Stone was one of them (and I'll guess from his response that I was right) but there was another person too.

Happy Birthday Stone!

Not me, but thanks anyway. My birthday was a couple weeks ago.

I was just being a smartass as usual. :)


01-05-2004, 05:32 PM
I remember from last year, that there were several RRers celebrating a birthday today. I made a note of it but then lost my RR database when my computer crashed a couple of weeks ago and, now, I can't remember who they are. I thought that Stone was one of them (and I'll guess from his response that I was right) but there was another person too.

Happy Birthday Stone!

Would the other Birthday Boy, please identify himself. Thanks!

Yer one week late for me........


Mr MidFi
01-06-2004, 06:11 AM
Thanks, FA, and happy happy to you too. That "someone else" was me. I'm afraid I didn't do much to celebrate (unless waking up at 5:15, shoveling snow, driving 25 miles and working 10 hours counts as "celebrating"). My wife did cook me a nice dinner, though. And my daughter bought me the latest Michael Moore book, which was nice too.

Happy birthday to you too, Stoney.

01-06-2004, 07:17 AM
Not me, but thanks anyway. My birthday was a couple weeks ago.

Really? I was pretty sure it was you even before you posted. Hmmmm. Well, happy belated birthday to you Stoney!

Yer one week late for me........

Happy belated birthday to you also tozey!

Thanks, FA, and happy happy to you too. That "someone else" was me. I'm afraid I didn't do much to celebrate (unless waking up at 5:15, shoveling snow, driving 25 miles and working 10 hours counts as "celebrating"). My wife did cook me a nice dinner, though. And my daughter bought me the latest Michael Moore book, which was nice too.

Happy birthday to you too, Stoney.

See Stoney! I knew it was you! Even Mr. Midfi thinks so. :p

Happy Birthday Mr. MidFi. Your birthday may not have been exciting but you were able to spend it with people who love you. You can't ask for anything better than that. :)

But there were three of us celebrating on the 5th. So someone is still hanging out in the shadows and not stepping forward. Oh well, Happy Birthday whoever you are.


Mr MidFi
01-07-2004, 06:23 AM
...Your birthday may not have been exciting but you were able to spend it with people who love you. You can't ask for anything better than that. :)


Quite right, Esther. Hope I didn't sound too "complainy." It's nice to have a job at all these days...plus the love of a good woman and the joy of a wonderful daughter. And music.