View Full Version : Need some advice on set of 7.1 speakers
07-26-2005, 06:00 AM
Hi everybody,
I am new to the forum and am in the middle of shopping for my first set of home theater speakers. I did some research on the Internet, however, since I am not familiar with all the brands/product lines at all, I would like to get some advice here. My budget for the set of 7.1 speakers is between $3,000 and $4,000. And the time we are going to spend on it will be about 70%/30% for music/movie.
The only set that I came up with so far is the Polk Audio LSi series:
Front: LSi15
Center: LSiC
Surround: LSiFX
Sub: PSW505
Rear: LC80i (In-Ceiling)
I can get the above set piece by peice from eBay for about $3,300.
I would appcieate if you can give me some advice on some other choices. Thanks in advance.
07-26-2005, 08:07 AM
Hi everybody,
I am new to the forum and am in the middle of shopping for my first set of home theater speakers. I did some research on the Internet, however, since I am not familiar with all the brands/product lines at all, I would like to get some advice here. My budget for the set of 7.1 speakers is between $3,000 and $4,000. And the time we are going to spend on it will be about 70%/30% for music/movie.
The only set that I came up with so far is the Polk Audio LSi series:
Front: LSi15
Center: LSiC
Surround: LSiFX
Sub: PSW505
Rear: LC80i (In-Ceiling)
I can get the above set piece by peice from eBay for about $3,300.
I would appcieate if you can give me some advice on some other choices. Thanks in advance.
Hi kingcu, welcome to the forum.
3-4k can get you some nice speakers. What will you be driving them with? Some amps and receivers can drive more speakers than others.
07-26-2005, 09:16 AM
If your amp/receiver can drive 4 ohm loads I would look into the Magnepan line.
Take a look at these models:
MMG (mains) $550/pr
MMG C (center) $300
MMG W (surrounds & rears) $300/pr x 2pr = $600.
This would give you a great 7.1 system for $1450.
Sense it will be about 70%/30% for music/movie. You may want to upgrade the mains to
MG12 - 1200/pr
MG 1.6 - 1725/pr
If your amp is not up to driving 4 ohms speakers you could stick with the MMG mains and invest the extra $ on a good 2 channel amp to drive the mains. The others are 5 ohm and are not as hard to drive as the mains.
There are many other good speakers available as well. Try to get out and hear as many as you can before making a choice.
07-26-2005, 12:17 PM
If you're looking to spend $3k-4k on a set of speakers, I would say get off your tush and do some listening! Definitely a lot more fun than doing searches on ebay! Most of your options in that price range will not be on display at Circuit City or Best Buy (unless the BB stores in your area have the Magnolia Home Theater mini-stores inside). Look up the audio stores in your area, and go visit them. Even regional chain stores like Good Guys, Tweeter, and Magnolia are worth visiting because they have a good selection of stuff in your price range.
And before you get carried with putting together a 7.1 setup, keep in mind that you need a decent amount of space behind the listening position for the back surround speakers to work properly. If you got a sofa up against the backwall, forget about 7.1 and stick with a basic 5.1 alignment. And even if you got the room, you might want to start with the 5.1 configuration and add the back surround speakers later on. That allows you to focus your budget on the most important speakers, and expand your range of options. And if over the course of your listenings, you get attached to a set of more expensive speakers, don't be afraid to just buy two or three speakers to start with, and add the remaining components later on as your budget allows.
Simplest thing to do would be to look up the websites for different speaker manufacturers and locate the dealers in your area. The speakers that you should try out include Paradigm, B&W, Energy, PSB, Vandersteen, Magnepan, Vienna Acoustics, Klipsch, KEF, Martin Logan, Gallo Acoustics, Revel, NHT, Silverline Audio, Sonus Faber, Mirage, Avalon, Totem, Joseph, JM Lab, Boston Acoustics, Definitive Technology, Monitor Audio, and Dynaudio. Not all of these will be easy to find, but you should look them up and see if a dealer in your area carries them. Also, keep in mind that if you're using a home theater receiver, some of these speakers like the Magnepans, Martin Logans, and Dynaudios have lower impedances and present enough of a load such that all but the most powerful flagship models will probably not be able to handle them without an external amplifier.
07-26-2005, 02:17 PM
Hi everybody,
I am new to the forum and am in the middle of shopping for my first set of home theater speakers. I did some research on the Internet, however, since I am not familiar with all the brands/product lines at all, I would like to get some advice here. My budget for the set of 7.1 speakers is between $3,000 and $4,000. And the time we are going to spend on it will be about 70%/30% for music/movie.
The only set that I came up with so far is the Polk Audio LSi series:
Front: LSi15
Center: LSiC
Surround: LSiFX
Sub: PSW505
Rear: LC80i (In-Ceiling)
I can get the above set piece by peice from eBay for about $3,300.
I would appcieate if you can give me some advice on some other choices. Thanks in advance.
While there's nothing wrong with Polks, there's a whole world of speakers out there to choose from. In addition to the suggestions you've already received; Def Tech, Paradigm, B&W, and other full up Home Theater systems are within your price range.
I see that your looki ng to mount the rears in the ceiling. This is something that I absolutely DON'T recommend doing in an Home Theater setup. It will take away from the effect, and could be downright disturbing on soundtracks that are DTS-ES encoded.
It's much better to have a good 5.1 system than a compromised 7.1.
07-31-2005, 05:01 PM
For that kind of money definitely get out there and do some listening. Hopefully you live in an area where you have more choices than the big box stores and Ebay to choose from. Some of the smaller dedicated audio stores will have exceptional choices for less than you might expect. I like the comment about a good 5.1 system as opposed to a compromised 7.1 too.
08-01-2005, 01:51 AM
Hi everybody,
I am new to the forum and am in the middle of shopping for my first set of home theater speakers. I did some research on the Internet, however, since I am not familiar with all the brands/product lines at all, I would like to get some advice here. My budget for the set of 7.1 speakers is between $3,000 and $4,000. And the time we are going to spend on it will be about 70%/30% for music/movie.
The only set that I came up with so far is the Polk Audio LSi series:
Front: LSi15
Center: LSiC
Surround: LSiFX
Sub: PSW505
Rear: LC80i (In-Ceiling)
I can get the above set piece by peice from eBay for about $3,300.
I would appcieate if you can give me some advice on some other choices. Thanks in advance.
There are a whole bunch of options in this range... I confess, I am not a Polk fan, so take my recommendations with that bias known.
Here are three good systems to my ears in your range:
System 1
7 Opera Audio Consonance Eric-1 standmount mini-monitors ($450 each street price)
ACI Force Subwoofer ($750 sold direct from ACI over the net at )
Total system 1 cost $3900
System 2
7 Von Schweikert VR-1 mini-monitors ($450
each street price)
ACI Force Subwoofer ($750)
Total system 2 cost $3900
System 3
7 Linn Katan mini-monitors ($400 each)
ACI Titan Subwoofer ($1050)
Total system 3 cost $3850
I realize that all three of these are at the top of your price range... I do feel however that with music as your larger priority, the higher limit # gets you a lot more sound for your money.
Also, with respect to subs, I mentioned ACI in each instance because in your price bracket they are the main company that comes to mind with respect to music. Other possible subwoofer companies to consider include REL (probably too pricey for you), Legacy Audio, Martin Logan, Rocket (, Adire Audio, Velodyne and SVS.
Good luck,
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