View Full Version : Are we losing our freedom of speech?
It's getting kind of scary how radio has changed recently, mainly in regards to Howard Stern. I am a huge fan, and I think its absolutely pathetic that the government is doing whatever it can to get rid of him. The FCC rules are so unclear, it makes it impossible to figure out what you can and cant say or do on the radio. I mean, Howard cant even play certain sounds for a lengthy period of time because the FCC has apparently deemed that offensive. Gimme a break. And now that Howard is going to satellite, all of the sudden the government thinks they should step in a regulate cable tv, satellite tv, satellite radio, etc. I dont think it will happen since cable and satellite are pay services, but you never know these days.
Curious to hear your thoughts.
Resident Loser
06-22-2005, 12:13 PM
...Howard Stern is an "idiot" and revels in the doo-doo, pee-pee, caa-caa form of can take any five people put 'em in a room for four hours and I guarantee some funny things will happen as a matter of diff with Stern...his IQ-stunted audience will laugh at nearly anything that is tasteless in nature, in fact the more tasteless the better...
jimHJJ(...just my thoughts...)
I'm sure there are many others that feel the same way, but I disagree that the majority of his fans are "IQ stunted." For being an idiot, he certainly has paved the way for other "idiots" (opie & anthongy, mark & bryan, etc.) and is making a killing along the way.
...Howard Stern is an "idiot" and revels in the doo-doo, pee-pee, caa-caa form of can take any five people put 'em in a room for four hours and I guarantee some funny things will happen as a matter of diff with Stern...his IQ-stunted audience will laugh at nearly anything that is tasteless in nature, in fact the more tasteless the better...
jimHJJ(...just my thoughts...)
Resident Loser
06-23-2005, 04:11 AM
...there are any number of ways I could have put it, but the quote-unquote word I chose was for the sake of expediency...No, he isn't an "idiot" if measured by his obvious success in some circles. I can only embelish my first post by saying he caters to, what I would characterize as, pre-pubescent non-adolescents...If one considers demeaning remarks, bodily functions and sexual inuendo(it goes beyond that, but again it's expedient) a form of humor, then there you have it...
Since I can only take an educated guess, as having never been unfortunate enough to witness the brand of "humor" exemplified by the other "personalities" you mention, I'll put that in the "One man's ceiling is another man's floor" category...You see him as having "paved the way"...I see it as lowering the bar...
Apparently, I am not alone in my opinion...
jimHJJ(...the feds included...)
I used Stern as an example because his show is so chopped up thanks to the FCC, that it is sometime hard to follow what is going on. Do you think its right that he cant do a show that he has done for 20 something years now because the FCC thinks children may be affected? I mean, come on now, why cant parents do some policing of their own children, and let the stern fans hear the show the way its supposed to be done?
...there are any number of ways I could have put it, but the quote-unquote word I chose was for the sake of expediency...No, he isn't an "idiot" if measured by his obvious success in some circles. I can only embelish my first post by saying he caters to, what I would characterize as, pre-pubescent non-adolescents...If one considers demeaning remarks, bodily functions and sexual inuendo(it goes beyond that, but again it's expedient) a form of humor, then there you have it...
Since I can only take an educated guess, as having never been unfortunate enough to witness the brand of "humor" exemplified by the other "personalities" you mention, I'll put that in the "One man's ceiling is another man's floor" category...You see him as having "paved the way"...I see it as lowering the bar...
Apparently, I am not alone in my opinion...
jimHJJ(...the feds included...)
06-23-2005, 06:02 AM
Wow,i'm on RL side again because i cant stand the guy. Paved the way,come on.Policing the kids. Right,if your a 24/7 eyes on kids parent. Who is mark and bryan? Well who are any of those?
I guess poor Howard is just one of those guys that gets picked on for no reason. Bring back Johnny Carson,opps,to late. The newer gen just doesnt know what really good stuff they missed not growing up with JC.
so it's ok for fat ass Oprah to talk about tossing someone's salad, but Howard cant? oh thats right, Oprah is doing it in a manner that is educational....gimme a freakin break. The FCC is a bunch of hypocrites
Wow,i'm on RL side again because i cant stand the guy. Paved the way,come on.Policing the kids. Right,if your a 24/7 eyes on kids parent. Who is mark and bryan? Well who are any of those?
I guess poor Howard is just one of those guys that gets picked on for no reason. Bring back Johnny Carson,opps,to late. The newer gen just doesnt know what really good stuff they missed not growing up with JC.
Resident Loser
06-23-2005, 06:49 AM
...give dat man a big see-gar!!!
Well Duds, here's something we can agree upon...Without going into one of my usual anti-social, misanthropic tirades, suffice it to say you betcha'...unfortunately many parents today are too busy "having it all" or kowtowing to their little rug-rat's every wish and desire in lieu of exhibiting actual "responsibility"...
When I was a kid, if the toychest lid whacked me on the noggin', mom didn't run to the nearest Jacoby & Myers to initiate a class action suit. She'd check to see if there was any serious damage(she may have been off the mark on that one) would then tell me it's my own fault for being careless and to be more careful...But, nowadays that government control results in the extra added expense of "safety considerations" which gets passed on to every consumer regardless of the level of proper parenting...that doesn't mean there aren't legit reasons for the government to get involved with things but I mean, give me a break.
And it extends to every facet of life, without parental control and oversight, without common sense, without self-control, there are those in society who feel that Uncle Sam should be the ever vigilant and watchful nanny for society in general...and it ain't just re: kids and such...
jimHJJ(...well, so much for avoiding a tirade...)
Resident Loser
06-23-2005, 06:55 AM
so it's ok for fat ass Oprah to talk about tossing someone's salad, but Howard cant? oh thats right, Oprah is doing it in a manner that is educational....gimme a freakin break. The FCC is a bunch of hypocrites
...are pretty much of the same ilk IMO...while it may be a bit of an overgeneralization, they all seem to cater to the LCD of modern society...'ceptin Opie has a book club and gives away stuff...and probably doesn't least on the air.
jimHJJ...just in case, Lowest Common Denominator...)
06-23-2005, 01:00 PM
Hey, i feel sorry for ya if you relate to Howard.
i almost forgot that you are above everyone who likes Howard's humor. EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE US!!!!
Hey, i feel sorry for ya if you relate to Howard.
06-24-2005, 05:26 AM
Thats not what i said or thought so dont put words in my mouth. I just feel sorry for anyone that thinks he's so great. I hope he's not your only funny guy that i like. Why dont you give us some examples of his humor. Maybe it will enlighten me. Last time i listened to him he was using his humor as you put it to rag on people with MS. He thought it was pretty funny how they act.
No, he's not the only funny guy i like. Lewis Black, Jim Breuer, Jim Gaffigan, Artie Lange, there'a bunch of funny people out there. And you know, Howard isnt the only guy who makes people laugh by making fun of people.
Thats not what i said or thought so dont put words in my mouth. I just feel sorry for anyone that thinks he's so great. I hope he's not your only funny guy that i like. Why dont you give us some examples of his humor. Maybe it will enlighten me. Last time i listened to him he was using his humor as you put it to rag on people with MS. He thought it was pretty funny how they act.
07-02-2005, 08:18 PM
You are pathetic. If you need to know why that is my assemenet, read your last post.
07-02-2005, 08:22 PM
Check the dictionary. Pathetic may be under your radar.
07-05-2005, 06:50 PM
...away from the subject of Free Speech. There is something related to it that has been on my mind for some time. On another website (, I think), there was a complete list of all the trigger words which are picked up by Big Brother's computers. Phone calls, e-mails, and anything else they can monitor, I'm sure, are scrutinized. So! Can you guess what word made the list besides all names of weapons, cloak & dagger slang, etc??
Sad, yes?
PS Have some fun, however: access the list and make it your sig file. Drive 'em nuts!
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