This room is killing my sub!!! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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06-20-2005, 01:56 PM
I have the Infinity SW12 sub with the rabos system. After charting the frequency curve of my room, I've discovered I have a major problem with sound cancelation in the center of the room. The center of the room also happens to be where my couch needs to be placed due to reasons of ergonomics.

I read somewhere that rooms that are exactly twice a wide as they are long can have problems like this. I need some suggestions about how I can eliminate the frequency cancelation in the room.

06-20-2005, 02:03 PM
Your only choices for a cancellation are to either move the sub or move your listening position or move both. Once you've found a location where you notice fuller and more even sounding bass, then do another measurement with that RABOS kit and use the parametric EQ filter on the sub for the biggest peak identified. EQing will help with peaks, but it will do little to help with cancellations.

06-20-2005, 04:51 PM
I moved the sub to the opposite corner and that fixed my problem. Thanks for the advice.

Also, to anyone in the market for a sub, I'd highly recommend Infinity's SW12. It plays solid down to 25hz and the rabos kit is frickin amazing! Or, if you don't go with that sub, definitely get a hold of an spl meter if you want your sub to sound as good as it can.

07-02-2005, 04:38 PM
I have the Infinity SW12 sub with the rabos system. After charting the frequency curve of my room, I've discovered I have a major problem with sound cancelation in the center of the room. The center of the room also happens to be where my couch needs to be placed due to reasons of ergonomics.

I read somewhere that rooms that are exactly twice a wide as they are long can have problems like this. I need some suggestions about how I can eliminate the frequency cancelation in the room.

I noticed you have the same model TV as me. I'm just curious, have you ever had any problems with a blue tint at the top of the sceen on your TV? It almost looks like artifacts like you'd see in a poorly compressed mpeg video.

I had an older TAU, but when a cap went in it, Sears replaced it because I didn't want to wait 2 months for a replacement cap.

Anyways, I brought the new TV home, and noticed this blue tint at the top of the screen. I brought it back and they switched it. Same thing. As well, this one had a big scratch on the left side of the cabinet's face.

I decided to live with it, mostly because lugging a 27" TV up a couple flights of stairs ain't no picnic.

07-08-2005, 10:42 AM
I have the Infinity SW12 sub with the rabos system. After charting the frequency curve of my room, I've discovered I have a major problem with sound cancelation in the center of the room. The center of the room also happens to be where my couch needs to be placed due to reasons of ergonomics.

I read somewhere that rooms that are exactly twice a wide as they are long can have problems like this. I need some suggestions about how I can eliminate the frequency cancelation in the room.

This is what you should do.

Place the sub where you want to sit and the walk around until you find the loudest place in the room. That is where you want to put the sub.

07-09-2005, 09:24 PM
This is what you should do.

Place the sub where you want to sit and the walk around until you find the loudest place in the room. That is where you want to put the sub.

I'll have to try that.

However that would put my sub along the side of the room. I'm thinking about buying another sub and putting them in opposite corners, but I've heard mixed opinions about running dual subs.