So everyone's raving about the sonic impact amp... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : So everyone's raving about the sonic impact amp...

05-23-2005, 09:50 AM
And am I the only one to find it shrilly and harsh? And its not sorta light BRIGHT, its downright harsh to the point where some of the brass instruments become really annoying. Yeah sure the detail is great, and the staging is definately better than my crappy reciever, and it packs and INCREDIBLE amount of punch for the size and the price, but saying it can challenge low-powered SETs is A LOT of a stretch.
NOW this got me thinking... if everyone seem's to be raving about this product and i'm b¡itching about it, it might well be that:
1: I'm just weird and i like my music dull and trebble-less
2: I'm doing sth wrong.
Since i can't fix N# 1, any ideas on what i might be doing wrong? sure my speakers aren't GREAT (some vintage SABAs) but i like the sound of my system with my current reciever. Cables aren't fancy at all and althought the CD player is one of the lower-end sony's, I know its not ITS fault because when paired with my usual setup it doesnt pierce ur ears.
So what am i doing wrong, if anything?

05-25-2005, 10:21 AM
It could just be the way the amp is responding to that speaker / load in particular. Mine did sound much better after about 50hrs of play, and never sounded great pushed really loud. Maybe yours is getting stressed under the speaker / volume level. Going with the power supply (1.5A 12V) improves power also. It really ideally should be mated with really efficient speakers which not many people have...

05-25-2005, 10:52 AM
What is the sensitivity of your speakers? It is a very low powered amp. I have high senstivity Klipsch Cornwalls and it sounds really great, although I have not had a lot of high quality amplification with these speakers - just a fisher 500c with bad tubes - but I am going to get a nice low powered tube amp pretty soon, so it will be interesting to compare.


05-26-2005, 01:44 AM
Ok, i just found out... Its actually the CD player that's crappy, because when paired to my Rega P3 and a goldring 1022gx it does sound better than my reciever.
I know the speakers are 6ohm, but i've no idea about the sensitivity. the room is, however, quite small.
So i better start thinking of where i'm gonna get the money to get myself either a propper CDplayer or a DAC... perhaps the time has come to sell the HT-in-a-box crap i'm listening to and keep the sonic impact as my main amp, till time comes to get a propper tube amp.

05-26-2005, 01:28 PM
Get some extra sensitive speakers and the little SI will reward you and hold you over for quite a while.