Cambridge azur 540a binding posts [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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05-12-2005, 06:27 PM
I've never actually seen the back panel of the cambridge and I was wondering if the binding posts of this amp is as bad as people have been mentioning on the internet. I've read that they are poorly built, my question is , do they accept banana plugs if so any specific kind? Also, if the binding posts are like mentioned what flaws do they have do they at least hold the speaker wire firmly?

Thanks in advance.

05-12-2005, 09:54 PM
Here's the deal: The reason the binding posts stand out as being so cheap is because they stand in stark relief compared to the rest of the thought put into the amp. I have a 540a and it's a quality piece. Good looking faceplate, decent controls, hefty remote, even cool wave-form case work. Then you look at these .50 cent binding posts and just laugh! They will accept banana plugs once you remove the end caps (a screwdriver does the trick) and the grip is acceptably strong. However, reality is that they are one step above spring clips. Seriously cheap parts and believe me, Audio Plus Services (NA distributor) has been hearing about it although so far nothing has been done.

It's a fine integrated tho and offers tremendous bang for the buck.

Hope this helps.

05-13-2005, 04:28 AM
Some of the old Adcom and Arcams got flamed for the same reason.
It wouldn't be a difficult mod to replace binding posts on one of these I wouldn't think...not that sound quality should be expected to improve, but the connection should be better.
Top quality binding posts don't cost much at all if it really bothers you. I don't think this should be a factor at all in the decision to buy this integrated or not.

05-13-2005, 06:14 AM
I have a 540a and it's a quality piece. Good looking faceplate, decent controls, hefty remote, even cool wave-form case work.

I'm thinking of pairing up this amp with some psb image 2b speakers that I have. When I listened to it I remember that it had some great detail, good sounstage but the bass was a little on the weak side only when compared with other gear, how do you think it will perform with psb's? what is your amp hooked up to, can you give me some details on its sound? ( when I tried it it was with some b&w bookshelves )

05-13-2005, 11:40 AM
I own the 640A and do agree that the binding posts are the only disappointing part of the amp. All my cables have bananas at the amp end and I have had no problem with electrical contact. One thing that should be mentioned is they have a collar around the binding posts that would make using spade lugs difficult if not impossible. The same with my 9 year old Rotel int.

07-02-2005, 09:45 AM
[QUOTE=topspeed]They will accept banana plugs once you remove the end caps (a screwdriver does the trick)QUOTE]

would you know where to unscrew the end caps??

07-02-2005, 11:12 AM
You probably don't have to unscrew them. If they are like the ones on my Polk speakers, you can gently pry them out. Any thin bladed utensil like a small screwdriver or a butter knife should do the trick. I agree with the other fellows that the posts are still ok. I have relatively cheap posts on my speakers and receiver but they work just fine. In fact I think my system sounds better when using banana plugs rather than bare wire so the connections are are good despite the cost of the posts.


07-03-2005, 08:26 PM
The posts are exactly like Matt said, just pry the caps out of the ends of the binding posts. I used a small screwdriver. Once removed, it accepts banana plugs quite nicely.

Sorry I didn't respond earlier 99, the thread must have escaped me. As for how well the CA will play with PSB's, I have no opinion as I've never heard the combination. I use my 540a to drive Mission 780a Argonauts, large towers from the late '80's that combine excellent efficiency (95dB/1w/1m) with a somewhat challenging 4 ohm nominal load. The bass response is equal to the Rotel RA-01 I demo'd, but not as robust as the NAD C320bee. The areas that I felt it bettered the Rotel and Nad were low level resolution, aesthetics, and value. The first point was paramount for my application as this is my office rig and I can't exactly rock-out, you know? Some amps need a fair amount of juice before everything will coelesce, not the CA. I've had it for over a year now and I'm very happy with it. Considering it's driving 4 ohm speakers for around 10-12 hours a day non-stop, you can't really ask for much more from a $250 integrated.

07-10-2005, 09:44 PM
I've never actually seen the back panel of the cambridge

go here:
click the back panel pic, then zoom it in all you want, and scoll over to the binding posts. they look like the ones on my kenwood receiver. a binding post without any way to put spades in.