Upgrading from the NADC350 to ??? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Upgrading from the NADC350 to ???

05-10-2005, 09:22 PM
hi all:

i just joined and this is my 1st writing.

i have just changed speakers to an english speaker - spendor sp 1/2

i feel the nad 350 is adequate and would appreciate any suggestions

for an upgraded amp - a step up without spending an arm and leg.

thanks in advance.


monterey, ca.

the hand of boredom
05-10-2005, 10:03 PM
The Anthem PVA2 has really good bang for the buck. A good step or two up from the NAD.

05-11-2005, 03:14 PM
hi all:

i just joined and this is my 1st writing.

i have just changed speakers to an english speaker - spendor sp 1/2

i feel the nad 350 is adequate and would appreciate any suggestions

for an upgraded amp - a step up without spending an arm and leg.

thanks in advance.


monterey, ca.

I've been intrigued with Spendor speakers lately (particularly the S5e) and have wondered how they would perform with a British integrated amp like the Creek 5350SE. I'm not familiar with your speakers nor have I heard the Creek - I'm just thinking out loud. The Creek has an excellent reputation. It was around $1500, but can be found for closer to $1000 now. You can get an mm/mc phono board as an option for a reasonable price if you're into vinyl or think you might get a turntable in the future.

I do have the NAD C350 integrated with a pair of NHT SuperOnes, which have a reputation for being hard to drive. For now this system is in a large room. To fill up the space without running the amp into clipping (or "soft clipping") with movies I added a subwoofer. I'm not recommending a sub. It's just that I've experienced the 350's limitations when it's outside its comfort zone. I have a C340 (earlier model) in my bedroom that has performed flawlessly, but it doesn't get pushed very hard.