someone PLEASE help me with Stupid Dream [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : someone PLEASE help me with Stupid Dream

05-02-2005, 02:40 AM
AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!! i've been searching for stupid dream for 3 months now and the prices are downright outrageous, right up there with some MFSL titles!!!!
I would be eternally grateful to whoever in this forum would be munificent enough to burn me a copy of the album (like a real bit-for-bit recorded at 1 or 2x), for i am fed up listening to the overly distorted 128kbps version i found on the P2P networks.
I would obviously pay postage and compensation for time and medium if required.
Also if anyone is interested in selling their copy, i would consider buying it.

05-02-2005, 05:04 AM
I read on the PT website, and this was quite some time ago I might add, that Lava Atlantic was going to reissue Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun this year. When? No idea.

I sent you a PM btw.

05-02-2005, 05:09 AM
AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!! i've been searching for stupid dream for 3 months now and the prices are downright outrageous, right up there with some MFSL titles!!!!
I would be eternally grateful to whoever in this forum would be munificent enough to burn me a copy of the album (like a real bit-for-bit recorded at 1 or 2x), for i am fed up listening to the overly distorted 128kbps version i found on the P2P networks.
I would obviously pay postage and compensation for time and medium if required.
Also if anyone is interested in selling their copy, i would consider buying it.
Have you tried They have two new copies listed there for less than $12.