Inexpensive stereo preamp with remote volume control [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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04-27-2005, 06:32 AM
If anyone is aware of an inexpensive stereo preamp with remote volume control please post. Thanks in advance.

04-27-2005, 11:31 AM
What is you definition of inexpensive. Do you have a price range in mind ?

Rotel, NAD, and Adcom make great pre amps but your looking at 500 to 600.

JoeE SP9
04-28-2005, 03:31 PM
Check Audiogon for a used Adcom GTP450 or GTP500. They are both remote controlled preamps. the 450 can be had for about $200 the 500 for $250 or so.

04-29-2005, 08:56 AM
Marantz AV600, or AV550 depending on the type of listening you do.

04-30-2005, 04:12 AM
The B&K PT3 is pretty nice and at $250-300 used it may be one of the best cheap preamps out there. Has a tuner also and nice digital display. Sounded damn good when I heard it with a B&K reference amp driving Sonus Faber Grand Pianos at a local tweeter. Some of the Rotels are a inexpensive, but some I like, others I thought sounded really harsh. Check audiogon / ebay. Up from that you could look for an older Classe for $400-500, they make remote preamps. Just some Ideas, as always there's a world of choices out there so look around. But if I had to go in the mid-low bracket, I'd hunt down a B&K.

If you want to go really cheap, here is a Rotel for $95. They go for nothing because the prologic section is obsolete - but the 2ch preamp section is very nice and it sports an adj. subwoofer out too. It is well-built, from the mid-late 90s. These come up on ebay all the time also, make sure you get a remote with it though.

04-30-2005, 01:57 PM
Get thee to Best Buy and see if they have any KLH-2400 Recievers. I just bought one for 70 bucks on close out. The Reciever has a "preamp out"; I'm listening to Emmy Lou right now and she sounds pretty good, no shrillness and you know how her voice is. Decent pick up on the tuner too. Got WXPN out of Philly and I'm about 35 miles out and I'm only using the cheap little 'tenna they supplied.
The thing will end up in my garage eventually, but I got to get my old Nakimichi 630 cleaned and looked at. I'm using a Accuphase amp and a set of Yamaha NS-690s. How can you go wrong for 70 bucks?? :p
Oh, and it's got a remote for running it too!!

05-01-2005, 02:36 AM
I haven't looked in on the thread in a few days. Some excellent ideas. Thanks all.

05-01-2005, 12:49 PM
Would you be interested in a Harman Kardon PT2300? I just picked it up off ebay. It doesn't seem to be working out for what I want to use it for. I would be willing to let it go pretty cheap. :)