View Full Version : What is your favorite Kansas album?
Mr Peabody
04-24-2005, 02:31 PM
I'm sure that Leftoveture or Point of No Return is at the top of many Kansas fans list but for me if I could only own one Kansas album it would be Song For America. I don't think it's because it's less commercial and I'm tired of the others because I play it more. Could it be because it was the first Kansas album I owned? Or is it that there is some chemistry on this album that just appeals to me?
Steve Walsh fans will egg me but my second choice is actually Vinyl Confessions. This album rocks.
Other Kansas thoughts of mine for no extra charge:
* I do not like the song Point of No Return and will not listen to it. Although commercially one of their most successful I think it's one of their worst songs.
* This last studio album with Steve Walsh that came out a few years ago, that some critics raved about, sucked and was a big disappointment to me. Kansas fans looking for something to add to your collection should pick up Protocol which is Kerry Livgren getting back with his old pre-Kansas band mates.
My all time fave but Song For America runs a close second.
Mr Peabody
04-24-2005, 02:44 PM
Oh Yeah! Masque is good. One of my all time favorite Kansas songs is Born on Wings of Steel (if that's the actual name). Masque is one of a few Kansas albums I have on vinyl, now I'll have to dust it off and play it.
04-24-2005, 05:26 PM
Mr. Peabody,
Good lord son, whadda ya wanna do here?
Favorite Kansas album?
What's my favorite child?
Impossible. Well, maybe.
Kansas. Probably my favorite band ever.
I love Masque, Song for America, Leftoverture, Kansas, Point of Know Return, Monolith, Audio Visions, et al.
But Masque has something special about it. It's like a prog album tinged with musicality and lyric unmatched by any other.
"The Pinnacle" and "All the World" are as good of songs ever played, to me. Sheesh. Just listen to the music and read along the words sometime when ya have a private moment.
But also way powerful is Audio-Visions. "Don't open your Eyes", "Anything for You", "No-One Together"... holy smokes these songs can make you get goosebumps, if the situation is right.
But still I adore Leftoverture and Point of Know Return.
Kansas is a band.
Disregard the FM radio abuse and let them into your musical array.
04-25-2005, 04:30 AM
The first 5 Kansas albums are all essential, with Song for America getting my vote as best American prog album ever.
As for Somewhere to Elsewhere (2000) I don't think it's as bad as Mr. Peabody says, but I was disappointed considering the talent involved. I think there are 3 or 4 excellent songs and the rest is mediocre and/or forgettable.
Coincidentally, I finally bought the latest Proto-Kaw last week and I'm just blown away by it. It sounds more like classic Kansas than anything Kansas themselves have done since the seventies. I think the reason it took me so long to finally purchase Before Became After was because I wasn't sold on the demo-y 1971-73 recordings. For my taste, that album was a little too long winded and jammy.
04-25-2005, 04:55 AM
Every KANSAS release ever made totally sucks.
04-25-2005, 05:08 AM
In all seriousness:
I'm right there with HiFy...............MASQUE and SONG FOR AMERICA are both excellent and probably my top two choices.
I completely disagree that SOMEWHERE TO ELSEWHERE is weak. Walsh's voice is not what it used to be but, this is a well-written, arranged and produced album......not to mention how well it is performed. MYRIAD and LOOK AT THE TIME (Billy Greer) are two great tunes back-to-back and BYZANTIUM is awesome. Livgren is obvious in his strong presence on this release......a throw-back to the original line-up.
Another release from KANSAS that I think is often overlooked is FREAKS OF NATURE.
Not the greatest vocal effort or sound production but some cool songs written here.
04-25-2005, 05:46 AM
I think I played Masque daily for about 6 months in the mid 70's, funny have'nt heard it in 20 years tho.
Second place would be the first album, because it was such a fresh breath of radio air in 1974 with that 'Can I tell you' song.
If I don't hear Carry on my wayward song ever again, that would be ok.
04-25-2005, 05:54 AM
Song for America for sure. Saw them 3 times in there prime,great concerts. The Ultimate Kansas double CD is real nice,sounds great.
Leftoverture. It's much more accessible and pop than the albums that came before it, yet it's still complex and arty.
But like Richmon said, If I never hear "Carry On" again, I'd be fine with that.
Kansas is not a band that gets much airplay in my house anymore.
04-25-2005, 01:20 PM
Leftoverture was my intro to Kansas back in the day, and it was a mainstay album for a long time. I can still even listen to "Carry On..." without much effort ;). Plus Magnum Opus is a really cool song, I used it to audition speakers at one time. Point of Know Return would be second, I only picked up Masque recently (thanks to Dave G.) which I like, but for me doesn't come close to the other 2 albums.
I was really surprised after reading the responses here as to the number of albums that Kansas has put out.
04-25-2005, 01:53 PM
Wow. This question must have caused Dave a serious meltdown! I can just see him rocking back and forth in his chair, wringing his hands with the the stress of even contemplating choosing one album over another. :D
For me it's, by far, Leftoverture. I don't know what it is about this disk that I love so much. It's not just my favourite Kansas album, but probably my alltime favourite album...period. I've listened to it far more than any other album that I've ever owned and never get tired of it. Yes, Carry On Wayward Son has become somewhat tiresome. But that's the radio's fault, not the band's.
04-25-2005, 05:01 PM
Ya'll all know that I love Kansas music.
Leftoverture has power in it indeed.
Steve's voice is so pure and clean and the music can just take you away, what a formula they had for a while.
Easily one of the best ever rock records made, ever.
But still Masque...whew.
Or Audiovisions, the song "No One Together". Good lord just read the words while it plays, and listen to Steve sing. Chill central.
Peace, thanks ya'll for all the + comments about Kansas.
Dusty Chalk
04-25-2005, 09:23 PM
I'm not familiar with them besides Point of Know Return and Leftoverture, and the latter wins just because it does not have "Dust in the Wind" on it. If I never hear that song again, it would be too soon. "Carry On My Wayward Son", though, I can listen to on repeat.
Jim Clark
04-26-2005, 04:31 AM
Do they have an unreleased one! Oh come on, I"m just messing wich you all. Not being a progger I of course don't have any.
Mr Peabody
04-26-2005, 07:42 PM
That's cool that some of us agree on Song For America and others can at least give it a runners up.
No comments on Vinyl Confessions, my runner up? Also anyone else buy the album with the orchestral accompaniment? I have it and like some of the tracks very much. Other tracks I have to skip and I wish they used a better vocalist but it's definitely worth having.
I have not heard of the album Freaks ( I can't remember the whole title ). Where in the line up did this album fall?
Anyone else own Steve Walsh or Kerry Livgren's solo albums? I have Walsh's Schemer Dreamer and only two songs are worth while to me. I also have Livgren's Mask of the Great Deceiver and I recommend this album, very good in my opinion and features Ronnie James Dio on vocals of 2 songs. I have several Dio projects but that's another thread ( Rainbow, Black Sabbath, solo material ). Walsh's album is worth the purchase if you find a good buy just for Every Step of The Way. But I think cd is only on import which is never a good buy. Vinyl can sometimes be found on Ebay.
04-27-2005, 06:00 AM
I am the biggest Kansas fan here and my opinions do not agree with everyone else, but that's what keeps things going.
I do not care for the 2 Kansas albums that has Elephante singing on them.
Schemer-Dreamer and Seeds of Change are killer albums and are a lot better than used record store fodder.
Freaks of Nature is an ok album, Steve on lead vocals, Billy Greer, Phil Ehart, Rich on guitar. Nothing earth shattering but worth looking for if you want the complete Kansas output.
04-27-2005, 07:23 AM
Didnt all of the org get back to do Somewhere to Elsewhere?
04-27-2005, 08:11 AM
Didnt all of the org get back to do Somewhere to Elsewhere?
Yes, all the original plus Billy Greer played bass on some of the tracks and contributed vocals.
My favorite Kansas album is KANSAS (first one). I saw them perform a free concert in a park in Topeka just before that album came out. The first listen I just knew they were going to make it big.
I love Proto-Kaw "Before Became After".
mad rhetorik
04-27-2005, 10:31 AM
Hell, I wasn't even aware that there is a <i>good</i> Kansas album. ; P
04-27-2005, 12:01 PM
Hell, I wasn't even aware that there is a <i>good</i> Kansas album. ; P
To many Kiss cd's? :)
Monkey Bones
04-27-2005, 01:20 PM
I'm kind of partial to the the Appleseed Cast Low Level Owl: Volume 1. I think they're from Lawrence. Really like last year's side project under the Old Canes moniker called Early Morning Hymns. Cool, spacey, folk-rock stuff slightly reminiscent of Neutral Milk Hotel.
Kansas really isn't known for their rock music scene, are they?
04-27-2005, 01:44 PM
Sure,Kansas would be rock and Kiss would be bubblegum. :D
04-28-2005, 07:08 PM
Please explain...
04-29-2005, 05:08 PM
This thread is offically ruined now, thanks, asswipes. Please go to another website.
04-29-2005, 05:44 PM
Nope,i'm staying. :)
04-29-2005, 07:48 PM
My first exposure to Kansas was Leftoverture. Still have the lp. Then Point Of Know Return. Still have that lp as well.
Saw Kansas live for the first time in 1978 during the Point Of Know Return tour. I was only 15 but that was such a great experience as that was my first ever rock and roll concert. One of many, many to follow.
Later on in life I came to appreciate their earlier works.
I'd have to say Masque is my favorite now. Leftoverture is still a great album though.
Dust In The Wind is my least favorite (and if I never heard again I'd be happy) song.
Jim Clark
04-29-2005, 09:11 PM
This thread is offically ruined now, thanks, asswipes. Please go to another website.
OK, so in retrospect, mine wasn't even mildly amusing, but Davey's was funnier than L. 'course I live here and I'm kicking myself for not being even half as clever.
Cheer up, there's lots of room for you Kansas fans to talk about your band.
04-29-2005, 09:35 PM
OK, so in retrospect, mine wasn't even mildly amusing, but Davey's was funnier than L. 'course I live here and I'm kicking myself for not being even half as clever.
Cheer up, there's lots of room for you Kansas fans to talk about your band.
I can't believe this had anything to do with you or Davey's comments. It doesn't sound like Geezer.
Hopefully he can explain.
04-30-2005, 05:48 PM
I was horsing around and forgot to clear the air so to speak.
On a positive note Porcupine Tree is playing here in June for $15.
05-22-2005, 08:54 PM
I was horsing around and forgot to clear the air so to speak.
On a positive note Porcupine Tree is playing here in June for $15.
Was it something I said Loompha? In other threads people are wondering why so few people are posting anymore, but I think I know why.
Mark of Cenla
05-23-2005, 11:31 AM
I have been a Kansas fan since the beginning. My favorite album is Song for America because the title tune is my favorite tune of all time. I watched it on the DVD last night. IMHO Freaks of Nature and Somewhere to Elsewhere are good albums.
Does anyone have an opinion on Proto Kaw? I REALLY like Before Became After . Peace.
05-23-2005, 11:49 AM
My all time fave but Song For America runs a close second.
I think I prefer <u>Masque</u>, not because its better than the two that follwed, but because its a relatively recent discovery and I haven't spent a lifetime listening to it on AOR. My second fave is <u>Monolith</u>. Its the last real prog album they ever did, IMHO.
05-23-2005, 12:10 PM
Was it something I said Loompha?
"I say, I say, its a joke son."
I don't know who's who, *<i>but some posters have more than one moniker</i> (you may be one of them AFAIK)
*Don't ask me why, though.
I remain,
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