Marantz AV600 -- Anyone experience this? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Marantz AV600 -- Anyone experience this?

04-20-2005, 02:44 PM
I've had my Marantz AV600 for almost 1 year now. I am having an interesting problem that doesnt happen often, but NEVER is the frequency of occurance that I am looking for.. because I consider this a pretty serious problem!

This has happened TWICE. However, the problem happens in two different styles.

First occurance: Sitting back listening to music, all of a sudden the volume starts decreasing as if someone with a remote is turning down the volume. You can see the LCD display countdown in terms of volume output.. and then, the LCD display kept blinking the minimum volume amount.. which is pretty much identical to what would happen if I was to keep reducing the volume with the remote.

Second occurance -- BAD: I am sitting back in the other room and all of a sudden I hear the volume increasing! It got louder, and louder, and I JAM into the other room and leap for the volume control to turn the pre-amp down! I've never maxed out my speakers before, but man I was up there for atleast 2 seconds.. luckily I didnt blow anything up, because I know my amps would have had NO problem destroying my speakers!

Here is a list of my components:
1x Marantz AV600 Pre Amp
1x Marantz DP870 DD Processor
6x Kenwood L-07M Monoblock Amplifiers
2x Klipsch KG 5.2 Main Speakers
1x Klipsch RC-3 Center Channel
2x Klipsch SC-1 Rear Speakers
1x JBL 15" Subwoofer

I am going to open up the AV600 and take a look inside, see if I can see any loose, dusty, or questionable connections. I'll give the unit a good cleaning just incase, hopefully that will help. Just curious if anyone here has encountered problems like the above, and what would cause something like that!

Strange.. strange.. my pre-amp is acting a bit possessed. Luckily, the AV600 has input gain adjustment.. so I lowered it a very fair amount to help prevent mishaps like this from raising the volume to an unreasonable level. I leave my stereo on 24-7, the last thing I want to do is have a melt-down.

- Mike