Has this forum turned you into a musical ADHD sufferer? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Has this forum turned you into a musical ADHD sufferer?

04-18-2005, 10:58 AM
It has for me. I know we've talked about this a lot over the years, but what have you done about it?

I realized after reading Davey's post asking what we do with new music as soon as we get it, that I am guilty of listening once and if it doesn't strike an immediate chord, I just move on to the next, best, newest release. I constantly feel like I'm missing something if I don't run out and get the latest rave rec.

I know, its my problem...but am I the only one?


NP: Blame it on the Tetons - Modest Mouse

04-18-2005, 11:19 AM
It has from time to time, but I try to keep it manageable. I find I can enjoy listening more when I spend a bit more time with individual records. I also have to fight against always wanting to hear the latest thing I've heard of. Sometimes those records that you miss on first release are really good, even if they are a year or two or three old. But, when I read on here about the latest things coming out, I can tend to overlook stuff from the recent past. My old favorites will always get their share of time, and older classics seem to get mentioned around here regularly.

Personally, I've been really broke this year, and have thus been much more selective in what I buy, through necessity. I've only picked up a few things by artists I'm already a pretty big fan of, or things I've already heard before splashing out the cash. But, I think I've enjoyed music just as much if not more than when I am buying tons of stuff. I value my few new selections, and have picked up some great classic stuff cheaply, hunting record shows and discount bins.

Of course, I'm sure I'll come across a pile of cash sometime in the not too distant future, and I'll be picking up a bunch of crap I've never heard of and which will all sound like a big blur until I finally digest it in about 5 years or so. Besides, sometimes it really is just great fun to hear a bunch of unfamiliar stuff just because when those few songs shine through the murk and really catch your ear, there's little better.

At least comps on hear give a good chance to get an idea about things before buying. (And Davey, I did get your comps and listen to them, liked 'em both, especially the No wave thing, which has me making a list for my next cash spending occasion.)

04-18-2005, 12:34 PM
Hey, you need to add a third option like this....

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat">

Poll<span class="normal">: Has this forum turned you into a musical ADHD sufferer?</span>

<td class="thead" align="center" style="font-weight:normal">This poll will close on <strong>04-22-2005</strong> at <strong>11:59 AM</strong></td>

<td class="panelsurround" align="center">
<div class="panel">
<div style="width:640px" align="left">

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>Poll Options</legend>
<div style="padding:3px">
<div style="margin-bottom:3px"><strong>Has this forum turned you into a musical ADHD sufferer?</strong></div>
<div><label for="rb_optionnumber_1"><input type="radio" name="optionnumber" value="1" id="rb_optionnumber_1" />Yes, but I like it!</label></div>
<div><label for="rb_optionnumber_2"><input type="radio" name="optionnumber" value="2" id="rb_optionnumber_2" />No, I take it one album at a time.</label></div>
<div><label for="rb_optionnumber_3"><input type="radio" name="optionnumber" value="3" id="rb_optionnumber_3" />What the heck is ADHD?</label></div>


<span style="float:right"><a href="poll.php?do=showresults&amp;pollid=139">View Poll Results</a></span>
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Vote Now" />


Hehehe, OK, I looked it up and now I get it. But I still don't really fall into either category right now, although admittedly I have been out of control in the past. I take it much slower now and really get to know the albums. Sometimes I only listen to one album for a week. And sometimes I only listen to new stuff. And occasionally only old stuff. So I''m a pretty well rounded guy now :)

04-18-2005, 12:58 PM
It has for me. I know we've talked about this a lot over the years, but what have you done about it?

I realized after reading Davey's post asking what we do with new music as soon as we get it, that I am guilty of listening once and if it doesn't strike an immediate chord, I just move on to the next, best, newest release. I constantly feel like I'm missing something if I don't run out and get the latest rave rec.

I know, its my problem...but am I the only one?


NP: Blame it on the Tetons - Modest Mouse

I guess I need some level of immediate satisfaction or it's on to something else. I think it has to do with the limited patience associated with raising kids ;-). Maybe it's wisdom that comes with advancing age (or closed mindedness) but I think I can tell if an album has potential or not after one listen. I might be short changing myself on some great music, but hey, there's always something else out there.

NP: The Cure - Galore

04-18-2005, 01:09 PM
I knew the answer to this, but didn't get it typed out before I moved on...........

04-18-2005, 03:25 PM
Has this forum turned you into a musical ADHD sufferer?

No, it just helps fuel it.

04-18-2005, 04:19 PM
Yeah it has, but amphetamines and music keep me on check...
Being a poor student i cant go out and buy as much music as i'd like to, but heck that's what emule's for. Get the music, listen, if i like, it goes on my list of "what to buy next" (which grows faster than the available money). If i dont like it, it gets deleted.
the problem's not actually how much music i buy, the problem is that i dont have time to listen to all the music i like!
selling music by the pound...

04-18-2005, 07:28 PM
This site has reaffirmed my desire to obsess the specific music I like, rather than chase the flavor of the month. But maybe this poll was for the indie hipsters here at RR anyway.

Dusty Chalk
04-18-2005, 07:44 PM
Yes...well, no...what is adhd again? Mmm...dough nuts...

(grinds gears, puts cellphone down, adjusts sunglasses, grabs another bite of sandwiche)

04-19-2005, 04:32 AM
I have a stack of newer cds collecting dust because, after one or two spins, they just didn't do anything for me, so they sit while more worthy records get all my attention. Life is too short to force yourself to listen to mediocre tunes, so why bother? I readily order stuff some of you psychopaths rave about, but that doesn't mean I always jump on the bandwagon and agree that it's "all that". I have, however, discovered some of my favorite music of all time from recommendations and comps gleaned from Rave Recordings, so that certainly offsets the downside of the duds in my cd cases.


04-19-2005, 10:28 AM
Music by the pound! Hehehe... I like that, Kaboom, whoever you may be!

My new routine will be to load my mp3 player once a month, with only 5 albums and decide at the end of the month which are keepers and store away the other CD's, so that my shelf contains only music that I really enjoy.

Does anyone here sell their music on ebay? Do you have a store or an paypal account?


04-19-2005, 11:10 AM
Hi Snowbuns...........been a while -- glad to see you around.

To answer your question -- NO !

To be perfectly fair, I always (ALWAYS) give a CD 5 listens before passing judgement.

Sometimes I am surprised that it takes 5 times through something to understand even the most elemental and fundamental intended communication by the artist.

Then again, maybe I'm just slow.

04-19-2005, 11:54 AM
Music by the pound! Hehehe... I like that, Kaboom, whoever you may be!

My new routine will be to load my mp3 player once a month, with only 5 albums and decide at the end of the month which are keepers and store away the other CD's, so that my shelf contains only music that I really enjoy.

Does anyone here sell their music on ebay? Do you have a store or an paypal account?


Can you really make it worthwhile? I do have a PayPal account and it's been an excellent tool, especially now that e-bay owns them. Paying at the end of an auction is just a few clicks and I'm done, and I've had no trouble. I have sold a few items as well, including my former HT processor. That went for $800 and was certainly worth the time invested. I'm trying to figure out how you could sell music, especially cds. Do you sell them one-at-a-time or in bunches? Selling them separately would seem to be more trouble than it's worth given the low price and all. I prolly have 300-400 cds I could get rid of tomorrow and would never miss them. I guess figuring out how to do it with minimal hassle is my biggest challenge. I'm sure there are plenty of "volunteers" on Rave Recs who would gladly take them off my hands for free. :)


04-19-2005, 12:51 PM
Can you really make it worthwhile? I do have a PayPal account and it's been an excellent tool, especially now that e-bay owns them. Paying at the end of an auction is just a few clicks and I'm done, and I've had no trouble. I have sold a few items as well, including my former HT processor. That went for $800 and was certainly worth the time invested. I'm trying to figure out how you could sell music, especially cds. Do you sell them one-at-a-time or in bunches? Selling them separately would seem to be more trouble than it's worth given the low price and all. I prolly have 300-400 cds I could get rid of tomorrow and would never miss them. I guess figuring out how to do it with minimal hassle is my biggest challenge. I'm sure there are plenty of "volunteers" on Rave Recs who would gladly take them off my hands for free. :)


Oh, you have to pay to put something in an ebay auction? Maybe we should all get together and open a Rave Rec's virtual music store!

04-19-2005, 01:07 PM
Are you asking if I'm suffering from being an annoying drooling dickhead? Suffering, no, but everyone else is :)

Actually I'm a much more patient listener than I used to be. I've found many an album that didn't do anything at all for me after three or four spins that now rank among my favorites. When I'm just not getting it I'll put it in the CD changer with other albums that I already like and leave it on random play, and keep that new album in there for weeks on end on occasion. Pretty soon I'll be catching stuff that I didn't notice before and wondering why it took me so long. When I'm listening to something new sometimes a whole album's worth can be a bit too much in one session, and my random remedy really does work most of the time. Of course some albums never grow on me but I haven't purchased any of those in years. I must be getting good. Either that or maybe I just know myself.

NP: Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over The Sea

04-19-2005, 01:09 PM
Oh, you have to pay to put something in an ebay auction? Maybe we should all get together and open a Rave Rec's virtual music store!

I thought you were selling cds on e-bay. What I was saying is that to sell single cds on e-bay would be a royal PITA. First you have to go thru the listing ritual, then after the auction you have to package and ship it. The margins are just too slim to make it worthwhile for the time it would take. Now I'm just rambling on, aren't I. I'm all for a Rave Recs virtual store! We could all list cds we no longer want or enjoy and offer them for sale or trade with other Rave Rec'ers. Hey, what a great idea! This could also spark new interest in this board, and it sorely needs it lately.


04-21-2005, 10:39 AM
There are certain people on here who seem to have the same taste in music as me. Especially Mike from York, but several others too. They've become my filters. As a DJ, I don't have time to listen to everything, so I need people like this. I'm glad MindGoneHaywire brought me into this mix!! :)
He knew I would find my people here.

And luckily the station that I listen to is the biggest filter. Often they are playing it as my friends here are discussing it.

Know what would be cool? If on our profiles, we could include a list of bands we like and a list of favorite songs and favorite albums.

04-21-2005, 10:48 AM
Are you asking if I'm suffering from being an annoying drooling dickhead? Suffering, no, but everyone else is :)

Actually I'm a much more patient listener than I used to be. I've found many an album that didn't do anything at all for me after three or four spins that now rank among my favorites. When I'm just not getting it I'll put it in the CD changer with other albums that I already like and leave it on random play, and keep that new album in there for weeks on end on occasion. Pretty soon I'll be catching stuff that I didn't notice before and wondering why it took me so long. When I'm listening to something new sometimes a whole album's worth can be a bit too much in one session, and my random remedy really does work most of the time. Of course some albums never grow on me but I haven't purchased any of those in years. I must be getting good. Either that or maybe I just know myself.

That is a great idea.
Orbit, a now-defunct band from Boston, was a cd that a co-worker of mine was playing every day. She played the whole thing every day. By the 3rd day, I wanted to pull my hair out. I didn't listen to it for a while. I thought I just didn't like it that much. I didn't NOT like it, but I wasn't into it. months later, I was in the 930 Club in DC and a song came over their gazillion dollar, award winning sound system. I was running around the club trying to find out what this AMAZING song was. I knew I'd heard it but couldn't figure out where and WHY DIDN'T I OWN IT?. Turns out... Orbit.
Everytime I'd give someone a copy of that cd (it's called "Libido Speedway"), I said, "You have to promise me you'll listen to this entire cd 4 times. Trust me. If you aren't blown away by it upon your 3rd or 4th listen, give it back."
This is still one of my favorite cds that I own. That was my first experience that I remember of something really GROWING on me.
Swervedriver grew on me like that too.