Who else uses Plinius amplification? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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04-14-2005, 12:08 PM
And what speakers do you use with it (or them if pre/power)? I'm in the fortunate position of having a) money and b) a CDLAD pre and 8200P power and a really nice cd player to use with some potential candidates.


04-16-2005, 07:29 AM
I'm using the Plinius 8100 integrated with the Dynaudio Audience 42. Dynaudio and Totem loudspeakers are generally recommended with Plinius amplification, but it could be any speaker on the detailed & neutral side that you may want to warm-over a bit while maintaining bass control.

BTW, what's the "really nice CD Player?"

04-20-2005, 08:47 PM
I have a Plinius 8150 integrated (now superceded). I've heard it with B&W (CDM1SE, 7NT, and 704), Kef R104 and Celestion models (when those companies made decent speakers), Epos ES 11, and Pro-Ac with no problems. Any insufficiencies came from the speakers themselves. At the moment I use Image 414 speakers (also manufactured in New Zealand), but these as yet lack international exposure. They should - they walk all over anything I mentioned.

Any well-constructed and basically neutral speaker that images well and can handle the power should work with Plinius amps. If all anyone is looking for in a speaker is searing highs and thunderous bass they shouldn't be into Plinius in the first place.

04-23-2005, 07:39 AM
nick- i have a Scandanavian SAT CD Fix upsampling cd player thats been extensively reworked. It also has fully balanced XLR outs to go to the XLR ins on the pre :D

I had read about the Dynaudio/Plinius link but wasn't aware of the Totems. I had heard good things about Totems so will look into this.

B&Ws have always seemed very bland to me- i liked the sound of the Kef RDM series so will look into the Reference 2:2s, 3:2s maybe- the CDLAD/8200p is a 4000UKP setup so will need some fairly decent boxes i think :) I did run JM Labs Electras on it before but the treble had too much sibilance :(

Cheers so far