how do I upgrade? Upgrade rcvr or get amp? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : how do I upgrade? Upgrade rcvr or get amp?

mr. budget
04-04-2005, 09:33 AM
I have a reciever (yamaha htr5760), it has multi-channel inputs and pre-outs for each channel (fx2,sx2,sbx2,cx1). Do I need a specific amp for ht with 7 channels? What are these preamps and amps and could I still use my yamaha's functions to set the levels and programs for movies, like I want a power amp or something to make the power stronger. How does this work? Am I better off returning it for a htr5790 or rxv1500 before the warranty expires? Thanks

mr. budget
04-05-2005, 06:03 AM
The yamaha (576/650)is fine for now. I wouldn't be living up to the name mr. budget with a rxv1500 either (well not my budget anyways) and I do have to praise this amp (rxv650) for doing a ton of stuff at the pricerange. Anyways I'm going to figure out what to do for upgrades for the future, it's a good project. For now I have what I need to launch. I'm stuck with the 650 but I'm proud of it for being a pretty gutsy machine and having lots of settings and programs. I can't go back and get the 1500, even though I want to. To a lot of people the rxv650 looks like an intergalactic spacefighter, and my 4 12" cerwin vega's look like the stuff they have at the club, to other people it looks like budget gear. It's all good for the money, even if it's not pro or real high end stuff. I'm actually beginning to hear this imaging in movies and music and I think it's cool. Anyways I got my beginner gear and the mistakes of the past are all behind me. I'm more enthusiastic now and it's good to know you guys are an excellent help and a great learning source. Thanks.

-I don't stink I just totally reek of awesomeness
-I'm not stranded out here I'm just waiting for the mothership

mr. budget
04-11-2005, 08:08 PM
Darn rxv1500, I should have gotten you. I can't get over how stupid I am. I should have just gotten the darn 1500 or htr5790 or 2500 or whatever the hell...I'm voicing my frustration about this because I'm one of the dumbest people with lots of buyers remorse. I love the 650 but I could have gotten the 1500... oh who cares I'm just going to friggen play the 650 even if it's inferior...I'm just upset about the fact that I should have got the better one while I had the money. Anyways guys I guess it's a lack of acceptance, they both have a two year warranty so if mine breaks because it's smaller and cheaper then I'll just bring it in for repairs...hell, I was running a 20 year old sony into the ground with superloud volumes and it's running better than ever so this one shouldn't give under normal circumstances.

JoeE SP9
04-13-2005, 07:21 AM
Just what is your question?

mr. budget
04-14-2005, 06:29 PM
Question is how do I amplify all the channels and still use the 7.1 channels and programs?

04-14-2005, 07:58 PM
You're actually on your way. You only need the Yammie for its preamp section - all the dsp modes, the digital decoding, controlling volume, input switching, level settings, etc. So, why spend the extra money for the 1500 just to get more receiver amp power? For more power, find you a decent 2 channel amp for your front L and R speakers. That will relieve some of the stress on your receiver's internal amps when running your center and surrounds. Then, as funds permit, get another 2 channel amp (or a 3 channel or 5 channel if your ship comes in) and upgrade slowly. But, I think you will hear a noticable difference by running your front speakers with a seperate stereo amp. You can find a good used Rotel, NAD, Adcom, Parasound or Acurus amp from 50 to 100 watts per channel for less than $300. I would take 50 Rotel power amp watts over 100 Yamaha receiver (or almost any other HT receiver) watts any day. Use a regular RCA/phono/patch cable from your pre-outs for front L and R channels to your L and R inputs on your new stereo amp. Run your speaker cables from the stereo amp to your speakers. Then do the same thing as you add amps. I would recommend borrowing a 2 channel amp for a weekend. You might even find a dealer who will let you demo a floor sample for a couple of days.

JoeE SP9
04-15-2005, 11:04 AM
Check Audiogon for any of the amps dean_martin suggested. His comments about watts from one of those amps vs. an HT receiver are something I completly agree with. Any of those amps will make it unnecessary to be concerned with speaker impedence.