Last piece of setup puzzle found!! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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03-23-2005, 05:51 AM
Well, I have had my Berning EA-230 triode mode amp (6JN6) in my system for a week, and I must say WOW!!

The music has so much more body and that ethereal 3-D feel, the imaging is pinpoint and steady. There are pic of it in the Components Gallery (under whitese).

Rest of Gear:

Berning TF-10 pre amp
Parasound CDP-2000 Ultra
Vintage Electrovoice 12TRXB speakers
VPI Scout TT with Dynav. 20X-H
McIntosh MR-71 tuner

Now if I can only find a second one for mono operation and more power! :D

01-01-2015, 07:47 AM
I have a pair of Berning EA-230's I am considering selling, along with my MR-71 Tuner

Mr Peabody
01-01-2015, 10:38 PM
I am not familiar with Berning, looks like a nice set up though. I would love to hear the EV speakers. Just starting out in audio and working at an audio store I almost bought some pro EV 1503 2-way but my wife just couldn't be convinced the carpeted boxes would blend with our décor, LOL. I really like the sound of the EV speakers and drivers better than most of the consumer speakers we carried.

harley .guy07
01-07-2015, 02:16 PM
I have noticed a big trend in the last year or two in that designers are starting to use pro sound drivers much like the EV's in their designs again. brands like Emerald Physics,Tekton, Zu among others are doing this and some people are really liking some of these designs. When I get in the market for speakers again once I get out of school I will probably put some of these companies on my have to hear list before committing to a purchase if possible. I have been around pro sound drivers my whole life on the making music side of things just not home audio.