ogg, flac, mp3 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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03-15-2005, 11:56 AM
I have a subscription to rhapsody, which streams audio into my computer. I believe it is streaming mp3, though i could be wrong.. If i record these indivdiual tracks as mp3 or wav to my computer, then convert them to flac(free lossless audio codec) the loss of saving the audio as mp3 will not be recovered when changing to flac? Also, what are your opinions of ogg vs mp3 as far as quality si concerned.

03-15-2005, 05:35 PM

I don't know how rhapsody's system works, but I would try and encode it only once. Each time you process the file it is likely to lose some information or be degraded in some way. So if you 'record' it by capturing to mp3 or FLAC, use the highest bit rate you can and just keep it that way. that will best preserve the quality of the track.

hope this helps.
