Amplifier recommends on a $1k budget. [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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Lord Nikon
02-23-2005, 01:02 PM
I'm looking for an external amplifier to add on to my Yamaha HTR-5760 a/v receiver. I'm interested in a 2-channel amplifier for stereo music listening. The speakers that will be connected to the amplifier are the Mirage Omni 250's. What do you recommend power wise and amp/brand wise for these speakers. Specs below:

Omni 250 3-driver, quasi 3-way, magnetically shielded Omnipolar tower speaker with ported cabinet
Drivers: 1" Pure Titanium Hybrid (PTH) tweeter, two 5.5" Polypropylene Titanium Deposit Hybrid (PTDH) woofers
Frequency response: 40Hz–20kHz, +/-3dB
Impedance: 8ohms nominal, 4ohms minimum
Crossover frequencies: 700Hz, 2kHz
Recommended amplifier power: up to 150W RMS/channel
Room efficiency: 93dB
Dimensions: 38" x 8" x 13" (HxWxD)
Weight: 45 lbs

Mr Peabody
02-23-2005, 06:43 PM
I'm not sure what you can get new, maybe Rotel, Adcom or possibly Anthem. But for your budget you could get a great amp on the used market. had an Adcom 5500 (220x2) used for $499.00 and a couple Classe' and Conrad johnson amps close to your price. Browse Audiogon or some of the used sites and check for a Classe, Primare, Bryston (if you're real lucky). I haven't heard them but I think you can get an Odyssey amp new for around your price. Good hunting.

Mr Peabody
02-23-2005, 07:00 PM
I just took a quick glance at Spearit Sounds "used, demos & specials" link, the Classe' is $1,095.00 and would be a great amp. They also have a McIntosh for $699.00. I'm not familiar with that model but I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Mac in good condition. I'm not sure what your Yamaha is rated but keep in mind even though some of these amps will have lower power ratings they will still far exceed the Yamaha in performance.

Lord Nikon
02-23-2005, 08:24 PM
I just took a quick glance at Spearit Sounds "used, demos & specials" link, the Classe' is $1,095.00 and would be a great amp. They also have a McIntosh for $699.00. I'm not familiar with that model but I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Mac in good condition. I'm not sure what your Yamaha is rated but keep in mind even though some of these amps will have lower power ratings they will still far exceed the Yamaha in performance.

I had my eyes on a new Parasound A 23 amp. Would these used options for the same price really be worth the look?

Mr Peabody
02-24-2005, 05:51 PM
No one in my area has carried Parasound in quite some time but I recall them having some punch and being a strong amp. However, they would not be in the same league as Bryston, if you could find one close to your budget, nor the Classe'. I would also have a Mac over the Parasound but with a room your size you could be better off with a powerful Parasound verses a less powerful Mac, giving up better sound with the Mac to gain some slight volume with the Parasound. If the Mac and Parasound were close in watts the Mac would be my choice. That Adcom 5500 is very powerful and a decent price if in good condition but would not sound as good as the before mentioned amps in my opinion. In my ears Parasound and Adcom are good but still mid-fi whereas brands like Bryston, Classe & Mac I consider true high end, as well as many others we wouldn't see even used for $1k.

Another thing to consider is the fact that your amp is only going to do as good as the preamp in your Yamaha. So the difference in sound between the amps could be small in your system boundaries.

You might check with to see if they have any PS Audio in your price. PS Audio has a good rep and MD would give you a 30 day return window. Odyssey may also have an audition period. If no one in your area will give you an in home audition my next choice would be internet with a return policy if you aren't happy. You may find after dropping $1k you didn't hear the result you were looking for.

I hope any of this helps, better best is so subjective and no way of knowing if you, or `anyone, would notice a difference.

02-24-2005, 10:53 PM
If it's for stereo listening I would try an integrated amp --- you can run the receiver when you watch movies. Preamps are critical to the sound as well.

For just under $1k the Audio Refinement Complete is quite excellent as is the Tube Integrated amp from Antique Sound Labs AQ1003DT. The AQ1003DT is a bit more

02-25-2005, 12:21 AM
"For just under $1k the Audio Refinement Complete is quite excellent"

Agree. RGA, did you post a review of it or the Antique on this site?

Mr Peabody
02-25-2005, 06:31 PM
What RGA was saying is a similar set up to what I run. I know Krell and PS Audio offer "theater throough" or "theater pass" where you can hook the two front outs of a HT receiver or processor into the integrated and use it to run the front speakers when watching HT. PS Audio has some new amps out called Control Amps. They function similar to an integrated but PSA says they are so different that they gave them their own name. They use a variable input and a mix of digital and analog technology. I found the article interesting and would like to hear one.

03-16-2005, 05:11 PM
Under $1K, I would audition the entry-level Van Alstine amp - Others to audition include Rotel, NAD, Parasound Halo, Odyssey Audio (the Khartago model is still sold, although it doesn't seem to appear on the web site).

03-16-2005, 09:29 PM

No I have not done amp reviews...I'm picky about SS amplifiers and very few are IMO remotely competant -- YBA is one I like and Audio Refinement is essentially a step between the YBA Integre and the YBA Integre DT...Given the price it's a no brainer to me.

If I was going to spend more it would be the Sugden A21 which is around double+ the money. Then after that I would leave Solid State (Possibly the Sugden masterclass units (have not heard em) and other Pure class A amplifiers which I have yet to hear such as those from Pass).

03-22-2005, 07:35 PM
i'm gonna go against everyone and say the crown k2. just check the thing out sometime its amazing

03-25-2005, 06:37 AM
i'm gonna go against everyone and say the crown k2. just check the thing out sometime its amazing

Actually, a K1 would be more than enough power. -Bruce

03-27-2005, 02:40 PM
that is very true about the k1 being enough but for the price difference i would just go with the k2