Jolida 302b and Dynaudio Audiance 52 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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02-20-2005, 10:21 AM
I am looking to get a jolida 302b to power my Dynaudio Audience 52's, I was wondering if this tube amp which is rated at 50wpc would be enough for my speakers, or if anyone has heard this combination together. I have been hearing both, yes it will do fine, and you might need more power. So needless to say i am having some reservations about the power of this amp. Anyways, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

02-20-2005, 10:36 AM
I can't comment on the sound because I've never heard that combo. I think it mainly depends on your room size, musical preferences, and expectations. Fifty watts per channel will be enough to get a decent volume level out of the 52's. It's the bass control and "speed" that might be cause for concern.

I'm actually thinking about pairing my 42's with the PrimaLuna ProLogue Two.

02-20-2005, 02:59 PM
My OTO is 10 watts and has been reviewed by people who own Totem and Thiel two nightmare companies to drive.

The Jolida will drive everything -- the issue is will it drive it the wa you want it. As Nick notes the issue will be in the frequency extremes -- The OTO will run out of gas with speakers that have big impedence swings (which usually occur in the bass and treble) which will esentially hack off the amps ability to drive the lows and highs which will sound like they're being rolled off.

The power supply (transformer) are critical more than the sheer watt numbers as plenty of 100+ RMS SS amps sound gutless.

The Jolida 302 does have more of a stereotypical tube amp sound...I would certainly want to hear the combo before I made a purchase. But that is true of everything.

02-22-2005, 11:14 AM
Thanks for the advice about the jolida, do to the fact that the dyn's are relatively hard to drive i am also considering the jolida 1501RC. Anyways, thanks for the help.

02-22-2005, 02:51 PM
You know what is crazy?
I was looking at this same combo very seriously. That is until saturday when i heard the Quad 12L speakers and changed my mind from the Dynaudio Audience 52.

I have heard the two together and i must say, it sounds great. I didn't notice any issues with speed and articulacy. But you do have to keep in mind that those Dynaudio speakers are power thirsty and if you have a large room you may want some more wattage.

02-22-2005, 06:47 PM
Thanks for the advice about the jolida, have you by chance heard the 1501RC(hybrid) with the dynaudio's. I was considering this amp do to its extra power and $200 cheaper price tag.

02-22-2005, 07:55 PM
When I went to hear the Jolida products I was unable to hear any of the hybrid amplifiers because the dealer didn't carry any of them, so the answer to your question is no.

The hybrid amplifiers are intriguing though. Supposedly they combine the more accurate and controlled bass of a solid state amplifier and the mild and pleasent mid-range and treble of a tube amplifier. Reviews for the Jolida hybrid amplifiers are generaly good, but the company is still known mainly for its tube amplifiers. From what I can gather, it sounds like the Jolida tube amps still hold the upper hand. Sorry I couldn't be of more help than that.

P.S. If you are considering any of the other Jolida tube amplifiers, I recomend the JD 202A and the JD 1000A over the JD 502B and the JD 801A. When I auditioned these amplifiers I found that the amplifiers that used the EL34/6CA7 tubes had a much more musical and pleasent sound than the amps that use the 6550 tubes. The JD 202A is cheaper than the JD 302B, but it only produces 40 watts of power per channel and it sounds like you are looking for at least 50 watts per channel. The JD 1000A sounded fantastic and it supplies double the power of the JD 302B, however at about $1,600.00 it may be out of your price range and you may be able to find a better buy for the money.

Sorry to add confusion to your decision making process, but those are a few of my observations about the Jolida tube amplifiers.

02-22-2005, 09:44 PM
The 302b is the jewel in the Jolida line.

Tube amplifiers are often judged off of the tubes the amp uses...EL34 tubes are extremely popular.

All you really need with the Dynaudios is a 4 ohm tap -- even my 10 Watt amp has a 4ohm tap so it will drive danes fine. Though because Dynaudio also has lower sensitivity ther is a limit as to how loud it can play before the sound gets into trouble.

If the 302b has the 4ohm tap it should have plenty of power.

You could also look at Antique Sound Labs as they have a similarly priced similar topology unit also using EL34s but has more features like a remote control and a subwoofer output -- it also has a built in bias meter to make things easier when new tubes are installed.

Here it is
They are conservative with their watts -- this site reviewed the AQ1003DT

I have heard both -- if I had tougher to drive speakers the AQ1003DT is the one to go with -- it has a leaner more solid presentation --- the Jolida is a bit mushier more tubey sounding -- The Jolida is more stereotypical of what people describe the tube sound to be...the ASL AQ1003DT I seriously considered buying -- At $1k it's really hard to beat. The Audio Refinment Complete SS amp is one I'd seriusly consider as well...but it's not tubes so it's not as fun.

02-23-2005, 09:41 PM
Shwamdoo and RGA,
Thank you both for your help regarding the jolidas, I have seen the ASL's and they look really good, I will definatly check them out as well. $1000 is definately the upper limits of the budget, but I think that should be enough to get a good amp. Anyways thanks for the help.