General Audio [Archive] - Page 13 - Audio & Video Forums


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  1. biamp
  2. Audio Mag.
  3. Equalizer Question
  4. Noise Pollution
  5. Help with Receiver!!!!
  6. Googlephonic stereo with a moonrock needle!!!
  7. DAC volume question
  8. If I was a box.....
  9. 4 ohms.......
  10. The color of receivers
  11. Been reading ... just getting more confused.
  12. Newbie looking for a rec on small system
  13. "It's the Multichannel, Stupid"
  14. a/v receiver and speaker matching
  15. Need help in making choice
  16. If you had to grab one item....
  17. For audio, how does Denon's DVD-2910 rate to other same price players?
  18. Audiophiles Beware: Meteor Particles...
  19. new receiver and sub to go with my atoms!!!
  20. Advice For Wedding Systems
  21. Newbie needs help!
  22. Help - Building Home Audio System
  23. Drum Beats
  24. Denon 2805
  25. From Cassettes to MP3
  26. Marantz
  27. Excellent article on a very bad trend in CD recordings...
  28. Adding a "dedicated line" in "finished" rec room
  29. What does redbook CD mean?
  30. Trying New Speakers
  31. Kenwood & Pioneer does not carry old O.Man
  32. Help please. Pioneer SX-251R has no tuner audio.
  33. Ohms ?
  34. wiring of audiolinear equalizer to sony reciever?
  35. Problems with Pioneer Elite 74txvi And Headphone Amplifier
  36. Can I add a subwoofer?
  37. Could my surge protector be causing damage?
  38. Kenwood AR-404
  39. SIFAM Vu-meters fo sale
  40. Humor: The Microsoft iPod
  41. ADVENT PRODIGY Speakers, Anyone ever heard?
  42. Alarm Radio
  43. Anyone know why Yamaha...
  44. Greatest Rock Albums
  45. Cost Vs. Quality R. 1
  46. Dissapointing/Over-hyped
  47. Most future proof
  48. Is HDCD much Better?
  49. worst music videos of all time...
  50. Cubic Feet for subwoofer boxes......
  51. DIY component rack...advice needed!
  52. Oh, so you think you're high end?
  53. First post, Paradigm CC370 question
  54. what do you recommend???
  55. Stereo Shop ...a Dinosaur?
  56. Boston Acoustic's replaceable voicecoil
  57. Family & Audio Equip.
  58. New to the forum
  59. Question about my system
  60. AH Njoe TJoeb problem, please help an idiot
  61. Whats The best three headphone rigs you've owned?
  62. Recording Vinyl to CD
  63. Music Buyers Unite!!!!!!!!!!
  64. How to configure 2 soundcards...
  65. 12v trigger question - Electrical issues?
  66. Receiver Recommendations....
  67. Catch-22
  68. Proton 300 receiver + 301 Powered speaker Wow
  69. Bose Digital Music System
  70. Senns HD650 vs Grado 325i
  71. Hi-Fi & iPOD speakers
  72. Alesis MasterLink ML9600 upgrade BPT -Signature Plus Mod
  73. Wharfedale Sub SW150
  74. $500 single CD player
  75. Power Surge
  76. Polks at fry's
  77. EQ approaches???
  78. To mush or to spike...
  79. $1,000 Challenge: A complete system
  80. Arcam Alpha 10 help
  81. I was wondering about "Professional" reviews
  82. Best blank CD-R
  83. Receiver Upgrade - Denon vs. Onkyo vs. Marantz
  84. Radio Station Bleed
  85. $40 for Polks
  86. music from PC to stereo system
  87. why bose is the holy grail..
  88. It's not Live
  89. Need a mini system
  90. Anybody Using CAIG DeOxit Liquid???
  91. Suggestions for new receiver/speakers
  92. Help fixing my HK PM640 Vxi Integrated Amp Please
  93. Why Buy Real HiFi...?
  94. I need to go to 23K frequency? How?
  95. help me build my system
  96. Upscale surge protector: good or bad?
  97. General qeustion regarding audio equipments' life
  98. New member say,.... hello
  99. Help deciding on a couple of new system components, please?
  100. HD Radio?
  101. HZ freq.range Cut off ??
  102. Please help with cd/dvd suggestions for my first major upgrade
  103. help please... sound trouble
  104. Got My Tax Refund, What's next
  105. Rogers A-75 mkII specs, help needed!
  106. Question about pre-amp setup
  107. Eisa Awards
  108. Talking Speakers
  109. Why I'm a bad audiophile
  110. Help
  111. Question about Power Conditioners?
  112. Radio or Sat. listening
  113. looking to upgrade from Grado SR-80s. suggestions?
  114. Recommended Auditioning Music
  115. Digital audio converter
  116. Catching Up
  117. The Best Home Music System
  118. Atlantic City Pogues review....
  119. help needed
  120. How to improve ipod sound quality?
  121. Itunes kills your Mp3 players battery
  122. 12 volt trigger
  123. Airport Express
  124. Crooks, thieves and con artists.
  125. TOO MUCH audio bliss to handle! Rediscovered music ive been listning to for YEARS!!!!
  126. sub placement question
  127. ipod sound quality tips..
  128. Advice on set
  129. WTB: Where can I find a Aiwa XK-S9000?
  130. DVI Switching - newbie
  131. Correct Hookup
  132. Movie 2.0 Audio Option.Why?
  133. Rotel vs Cambridge - CD Player
  134. Marantz Receiver Problem - please help!
  135. Yamaha DVD player failing
  136. CD vs DVD
  137. Can't post a review
  138. Side Wall 1st Reflection Damping??
  139. would a good CD player improve this chain?
  140. Earbud ear clips
  141. denon
  142. Thoughts on using the Behringer DEQ2496 for room correction
  143. VMPS Tower IIse
  144. Myryad MCD200
  145. Adapter to increase headphone impedance?
  146. Pogues and Saw Doctors in Atlantic City!!
  147. vinyl, audio tape, & radio to CD recorder
  148. Help with Subwoofer
  149. Causes of sibilance and high-freq harshness?
  150. how to power cerwin vegas?
  151. Some Thoughts on Hi-Fi, Vinyl, and.CD
  152. Rear channel noise (hiss)
  153. Question about receiver wattage/sound
  154. Pioneer Elite vsx-54tx
  155. Help me have some fun!
  156. HELP - Denon AVR 3300 "cant get component (3 wire) output to work"
  157. 70's Yamaha receiver & CD player compatable?
  158. Best Speaker System for IPOD....
  159. Quality in-ear earphones?
  160. thorens 160 mkII & Mission Cyrus Two...speaker advice?
  161. Announcement: Site Redesign!
  162. Just got a PSW505 good deal...
  163. Quad to 5.1 adjustement
  164. ROTEL & NAD vs the others.
  165. Need an advice about headphones.
  166. Speakers to match McIntosh MC 2600 Power Amp
  167. audio extraction from ancient pottery..
  168. Anyone ever hear one of these?
  169. Minimum Requirement
  170. Silly Question
  171. Acoustic treatments
  172. Headroom Total Bithead Headphone Amp/ DAC initial impressions.
  173. atmospherics effect on sound quality?
  174. upgrade cd player or buy better DAC
  175. New Home theater Starter
  176. Paging Smokey!!
  177. What was the first piece of gear that got you hooked?
  178. 5-CD changers
  179. stereo equipment manuals for sale on e-bay
  180. Ever heard a system better than yours?
  181. Onkyo DV-C601 No Disc Error
  182. pop on turn off
  183. Home Audio Reference Book
  184. Need good amp / reciever for Klipsch La Scala...Suggestions?
  185. What is HD FM?
  186. Interesting hi-fi web site
  187. bose headphones, anygood?
  188. What are folks expecting...
  189. Newbie Must Read
  190. Paradigm Monitor 11+ Rotel RSX-1056
  191. Choosing a receiver: Opinions, please
  192. Cambridge d500se need different power cord?
  193. Should I just trash this Philip 5781 powered amp?
  194. the better creative headphones?
  195. what makes better headphones?
  196. Rig nearly done! Help with fine tuning and room treatment
  197. More Hi-End in Car Audio (again)
  198. Onkyo croosover low-frequency sound "hole"
  199. First Sighting Audio White Van
  200. What is 24 bit
  201. New Amp-Need Power Help??
  202. FM Reception
  203. Behringer Ultra-Curve Pro DSP8024 or other Real Time Analyzer?
  204. OK my turn...
  205. Sound crackle using Pioneer vsx-d510 and Yamaha cdc585
  206. Sub not hitting, help please
  207. our new audio e-zine
  208. Onkyo 989 no new upgrades @$%&!*
  209. subwoofer hookup
  210. Refurbishing a JVC receiver
  211. FYI-DIY channel Thurs: Home Theater
  212. Losing my baby
  213. What would you set up for DVD-A/SACD only?
  214. Port Noise?
  215. Logic 7 causing distortion?
  216. Wireless headphones using audio out jacks
  217. Do I really need a subwoofer? Please answer!
  218. Closed versus Open Studio Headphones Please Explain the Differences
  219. earphones, headphones VS speaker (difference in sound)
  220. Thought-of-the-Day: Music Industry
  221. audio/visual related jobs
  222. FM Interference from CD player?
  223. Old Equipment-New Technology
  224. Cambridge Audio 640C v.2 thoughts
  225. comp speakers questions
  226. gentlemen: take care of WAF up front
  227. Audio Post Production Jobs
  228. Car tape adaptor
  229. In the market for a new 2-channel system
  230. tv sound regulator
  231. The A/V Home Integration FAQ
  232. MP3 player versus external hard drive - for music.
  233. 6.1 Reciever, 5.1 speakers!
  234. SACD/Surround Music Listenings and Impressions
  235. what to do for a better audio?
  236. Anyone Hear Nuforce, APL Hi-Fi, Bruce Moore, Epos??
  237. Energy online authorized dealers?
  238. acoustic profiles?
  239. Dream Gear
  240. new to this, needing help
  241. The Wikipedia Audiophile entry
  242. AC Voltage: Fluctuation?
  243. AM antenna ?
  244. DIY Room Treatment Idea?
  245. 3d labs DVD layers
  246. First step on the Ladder
  247. Gear Geek vs. Music Nerd
  248. A Momenent of Silence...
  249. Source for RF DE-modulator?
  250. Broken Reciever