Off Topic/Non Audio [Archive] - Page 18 - Audio & Video Forums


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  1. Hey man, can you give me a hand real quick?
  2. Where, oh where have our priorities gone?
  3. Janet!!!! For those living under a rock...
  4. How Bout Those Pats???
  5. Nintendo Guns
  6. Ignore this post
  7. Friday funnies
  8. A political poll, for Republicans and especially Democrats
  9. A heartwrenching letter from a Kerry supporter
  10. Starship Enterprise shops at Radio Shack?
  11. Oh, Hollywood!
  12. What did you all think of Howard Dean's concession speech in Iowa?
  13. Burn In Surround Sound??
  14. So what did you think of Bush's S.O.T.U. address??
  15. Super Bowl
  16. friday cow!
  17. Wasting a Vote?
  18. Too much DU...I needed a sanity break
  19. JSE & the Bush admin. - a conspiracy??
  20. When hatred clouds good judgment
  21. My Stros are looking strong.
  22. This won't last long
  23. Now I hear that El Presidente Fox...
  24. Now I hear that El Presidente Fox...
  25. Hey Chris...
  26. How about the best weekend of football in modern history!!!!
  27. Four to go.
  28. Friday funnies
  29. Space......... still a frontier?
  30. I just can't work up any empathy for these guys
  31. President Fox of Mexico must be very happy in deed.
  32. Forget the Air Martials...
  33. Hopes dashed to the ground
  34. Pete Rose?
  35. Who's the real national champion?
  36. Who'da thunk I'd ever praise a Marxist?
  37. This is beautiful, enjoy
  38. Hey JSE my problem is fixed I tried what
  39. I Need a Job!
  40. Let's talk football.
  41. Computer Questions
  42. Need some help with Outlook Express
  43. Just thought I'd drop in and...
  44. Frensday Jokes!
  45. If we are safer now that Saddam is captured...
  46. Epson Printers/Scanners
  47. Avatar change
  48. Saddam said he should be treated with respect.
  49. John Hinckley Jr., on the loose?
  50. Friday jokes
  51. Syria, you're next!!
  52. I got my Yamaha back!!!
  53. I know how Saddam planned to escape from Iraq!
  54. KARAOKE/DJ mixer with ECHO
  55. The smell of fear
  56. Hey Bturk.......
  57. Friday hahas?
  58. How About Those Leafs...
  59. Every generation learns anew-----and how!
  60. Let it snow let it snow let it snow!
  61. Happy Friday!!!
  62. My son turns 30 today
  63. Hey Rush! Look at that Quarterback.
  64. It Works!!!
  65. Friday Joke Time
  66. Electronic development
  67. Help
  68. Here's hoping everyone has a great Thanksgiving! nt.
  69. they're still covering it up
  70. Is there a single, solitary soul around here ...
  71. How is gay marriage a right?
  72. Why can't I post an
  73. Her's how to make text fonts bigger (easier to read ;)
  74. Site Newbie
  75. Fellas - About the new P&B mascot
  76. Michigan vs Ohio State
  77. Friday Jokes
  78. Jim Clark, program for reducing picture size worked like a charm.
  79. Jacko the Wacko!
  80. popping my cherry w/ first post (nt)
  81. Chris when are we getting our
  82. Welcome JoeB
  83. Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch Raided.
  84. Kudos to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers!
  85. BCS computers...WTF???
  86. Toto Live In Amsterdam 25th Anniversary
  87. Where to purchase PC Products?
  88. It is hard to find a right pixels size Avatar.
  89. 'Honeymooner' Art Carney dead at 85
  90. Friday Joke Time
  91. trying to post pic
  92. Finally got a Applebees
  93. Hear ye, Hear ye! This be the P&B Pub!
  94. Bye-bye judge Roy Moore.
  95. Now I can log in at home
  96. Why am I considered a newbie
  97. Finally In
  98. College Football on the New Forum!
  99. That's right - Off Topic stuff is now separated