Off Topic/Non Audio [Archive] - Page 14 - Audio & Video Forums


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  1. RIP Soupy Sales
  2. Life is full of changes and I like it!
  3. "For What It's Worth" 'Buffalo Springfield'
  4. Autotune the news
  5. Buying Cigarettes online
  6. ebay question
  7. Obama chia pet
  8. Now...
  9. Happy Thanksgiving!
  10. A sad day for me.
  11. Resume writing time!
  12. Reality TV...Canadian style
  13. Two New Additions
  14. Mechwarrior 5
  15. New Radeon 5870 video card.
  16. "Ardi"
  17. Dang! Great new sportscar
  18. One of the most beautiful things I've seen in a long time.
  19. Finally a REAL Rocketship....
  20. Why men shoudn't write advice columns.
  21. An Oldie, But Goodie....Discuss!
  22. Man Killers
  23. Middleaged newbie? Oxymoron?
  24. Are the mods sleeping? Ban Bumbumtosa Now
  25. The little golf cart that could...must see!!
  26. 9:07 PM September 24, 1969
  27. "Cut" costs and do something good in the process
  28. This out from the FDA yesterday....
  29. Zelaya
  30. Bad joke, cain't stop muhself.....
  31. Coffee with Obama...
  32. I have a PSA...
  33. Why not Universal Healthcare?
  34. Finally...... MORE THAN JUST DINOSAURS!!!
  35. Anyone Play Online Chess?
  36. Meet Stanley
  37. Remember when...?
  38. Effin' Disney MUST DIE!!!!!!!
  39. Joke of Day
  40. This is pretty gruesome
  41. Hey gearheds!! Any idea what car this is?
  42. Now this is the kind of Alternative History I like!!!
  43. Canadian Sex Scandal...
  44. Sleepless In Seattle.
  45. Mixology for Mad Scientists
  46. Joke for F.A.
  47. Any horologists on the forums?
  48. SLR Film Camera: Minolta 707Si ????
  49. Hey! TLADINY/Lexmark/Preuvuianskies is at it at Audioholics.
  50. The Lawn Mower and Electric Fence
  51. GM 2.0 gets released.
  52. Golf Question
  53. Track day
  54. Headed to Amsterdam...
  55. Welcome to visit.
  56. Ethnic recipies.
  57. Show us your..... Puter!!!!
  58. Wifey is becoming a citizen!
  59. I have a new hero.
  60. Psstt...Hey guys
  61. It's a helicopter, and it's coming this way.
  62. Ideas to revive AR
  63. Back when GM was "GM"
  64. Flag of the times......
  65. Cool pics and brain floss? The holographic Paradigm
  66. LCD TVs, new in box
  67. Today is Rich-n-Tex's birthday
  68. Memorial Day FlyBy's New York City
  69. This should send PETA into a tizzy...
  70. Female logic. Please help.
  71. Chastity Bono wants a bona
  72. Literal Music Videos (need a laugh)
  73. Pagin bobsticks.
  74. Any prudent credit card users here?
  75. Safe and clean Coke
  76. Beer Suggestion
  77. Protecting furniture?
  78. Cat question
  79. Just the Blues
  80. What a great summer for concerts!
  81. Hey hockey fans...have you seen this one?
  82. test
  83. twitter?
  84. Any Gun fanciers here?
  85. Geez, the CAW and UAW should read this...
  86. Congrats Rich! You own a collectible!
  87. Hey GMichael...
  88. More Auto Industry talk...
  89. John Madden calling it quits
  90. Bad easter joke...
  91. Bombarded with Nigerian e-mail scam.
  92. BFD Tuesday!
  93. Interesting facts about the human body
  94. April fools jokes abound today.
  95. Try this...
  96. Weight Loss
  97. Joke of the day!
  98. I just won free coffee for the next three months!
  99. The birds and the bees!
  100. What's your favourite daily vice?
  101. Distractions and Diversions
  102. India unveiled $2000 Nano Car.
  103. Me and the Governor
  104. Battle of the Bands
  105. State of Illinois
  106. AIG Bonuses
  107. It's this kind of propoganda that bugs me...
  108. Open Mic Night Hell....
  109. Some thoughts for your weekend...
  110. Real Life...
  111. Snarl and Snap!
  112. Acronyms
  113. When 1 person looses their job, it affects...
  114. Weekend Plans?
  115. Breaking Tech News: Apple Wheel
  116. Anyone remember this?
  117. Important Notice!
  118. Strange News for Strange Times
  119. How messed up is this?
  120. Computer back online!
  121. My brother is having twins!!
  122. I seem to have missed some bits...
  123. Computer Techie Needed ASAP! Help!
  124. Automotive Bailout vs. the morons in Washington
  125. Our family has expanded again.
  126. Happy Friday the 13th!
  127. Quotes on friendship...
  128. Things you didn't know....
  129. funny anecodotes, jokes & such...
  130. Cheap Laptop Help
  131. 401k reports
  132. Old audiophiles never die….
  133. LJ set me up!
  134. Let's see you Americans top this
  135. Top 5 things you should never say to a woman...
  136. Nobody's mentioned Phelps... Do you think he's being treated poorly or
  137. Timing is everything?
  138. Vegas Baby!
  139. Doing it the most difficult way first? Is it just me?
  140. The power of words...
  141. Serious-Anyone seen Worf lately?
  142. Should dating co-workers sign a "love contract?"
  143. The Bucket List
  144. Tell me something strange about yourself.
  145. Super Bowl XLIII
  146. Atlanta, Salt Lake City
  147. Goodbye to All
  148. Utopian Socialism
  149. New Car Purchase!
  150. Oh no, not another one
  151. The axe has swung!
  152. Digital Camera Recommendation.
  153. Dummy of the Day Award
  154. Burns Night
  155. Tough Decisions for Obama
  156. Wassup folks?
  157. Aussie slang
  158. Michelle, my belle
  159. The Official Inauguration Thread.....
  160. Very interesting pictures.
  161. Greek Mythology... which one are you?
  162. Who can tell me what this is a pic of...
  163. Hamas and Israel
  164. Should bars be charged when patrons drive drunk?
  165. I thought this was funny...
  166. I've had Valentine's Day on the brain...
  167. AMD Releases the first Phenom II's
  168. Gmicheal Has Surpassed 10,000 Posts!!!
  169. My House is Finished!!!!!
  170. What was the most "expensive" mistake/accident one of your kids caused...
  171. We adopted a kitty today!
  172. I think the kids killed my microwave oven...
  173. "If You Could Turn Back Time" What decision would you change?
  174. Is anyone else surprised about Shanahan?
  175. For anyone who's cooking tomorrow on New Year's Day...
  176. Happy New Year everyone!
  177. Another happy screw-up.
  178. I said NO TALKING!
  179. Girls with the New Pig!
  180. So, what did you get for Christmas?
  181. Snowzilla!
  182. Happy freakin' holidays to me
  183. Favorite Christmas quotes, Merry Christmas everyone!
  184. New GPS
  185. Do you haggle at retail stores?
  186. I just bought my last Christmas gift!
  187. New Guinea Pig!!
  188. Holiday Vacation Thread
  189. Anyone have a sure fire remedy for battling a
  190. Snowmageddon
  191. Hey Yo, Fall Girl...
  192. If only more CEOs had this guy's integrity...
  193. Joke for Feanor...
  194. Getting in the Xmas Spirit
  195. Something is amiss here at AR.
  196. Does anyone else's mother get out every single piece of Christmas crap
  197. Is there an appropriate place, if any to shamelessly plug
  198. Has anyone ever worked at a radio station?
  199. Sony is selling classes on how to understand HD
  200. That's just WRONG!
  201. Sigh. A small complaint in the state of the economy...but still...
  202. 2008 "Bang" or "Bust"
  203. Bush's Iraq Farewell
  204. Ice Storm
  205. Grrrr...what is the deal with Shop-Vac?
  206. Requiescat in pace...
  207. Countdown to GM's 10,000 Post Party!
  208. Auto manufacturer bailout...
  209. x-mas menu
  210. Need help with an AR Christmas Tradition
  211. To my folks at AR.....
  212. I'll be working an art event in Florida...stop by for a silhouette!
  213. Gm 2.0
  214. Let's raise a toast to celebrate Repeal Day!
  215. Good vs. Well
  216. Quote of the Day
  217. Yet even another Christmas Thread - Top 10 Worst Presents.
  218. Canadian Politics for a change
  219. Worst Holiday Song
  220. So we've missed a couple of parties!
  221. What do you want for Christmas...
  222. Epic Fail on G.W.
  223. Is it all relative?
  224. See everyone in December.
  225. New Obama Controversy
  226. thanksgiving
  227. Kitchen Pictures
  228. Now the other two auto makers want bailout
  229. I just found the perfect gift for Rich!
  230. About to make another bad joke..
  231. PS3 Online Gaming Thread
  232. GM wants 22 Billion $$ bailout
  233. The new 007 flick comes out Friday,
  234. Hey, does anyone know that it's bobsticks....
  235. I'm about ready to vomit.
  236. Live streaming puppies...
  237. Krave
  238. Okay enough talk... Git your lazy asses out and VOTE!!!
  239. Filed my 1st dispute on Ebay/Paypal
  240. Guitar Hero or Rock Band?
  241. Who wants to see some boobees?
  242. Beloved Cinderella has passed away.
  243. A little known fact that I found interesting...
  244. RIP Tony Hillerman
  245. Your Fave and Worstest.... Cheeses!!!!
  246. Go Green!
  247. New York Times endorses Obama
  248. This was so bizarre!
  249. Looks like we found Lex.
  250. When good computers turn bad!