Off Topic/Non Audio [Archive] - Page 14 - Audio & Video Forums


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  1. Hey, does anyone know that it's bobsticks....
  2. I'm about ready to vomit.
  3. Live streaming puppies...
  4. Krave
  5. Okay enough talk... Git your lazy asses out and VOTE!!!
  6. Filed my 1st dispute on Ebay/Paypal
  7. Guitar Hero or Rock Band?
  8. Who wants to see some boobees?
  9. Beloved Cinderella has passed away.
  10. A little known fact that I found interesting...
  11. RIP Tony Hillerman
  12. Your Fave and Worstest.... Cheeses!!!!
  13. Go Green!
  14. New York Times endorses Obama
  15. This was so bizarre!
  16. Looks like we found Lex.
  17. When good computers turn bad!
  18. LOL @ Typo
  19. here's the thing about the Flyers...
  20. Very Bad Joke
  21. Mirror Mirror
  22. To all ye "Sniveling Starfleet" Pukes!!!
  23. A good message...
  24. Better than Blue
  25. Car mavens, buffs, afficianados....
  26. That KARMA, she's a Beeeatch! Ain't she?
  27. Not an athlete!
  28. 4500 posts!
  29. Welcome to the new 2008 edition of getting to know your family
  30. It wasn't me!
  31. Non-Political OT/NA
  32. Support a REAL bailout plan...
  33. Women and the cable company! WTF!
  34. Basement in Final Phase
  35. It's the Economy....
  36. Construction starts on Monday!!!
  37. Custom Laptop Computer
  38. Ah am da Genie of the Lamp!!! Daydreamin for Gearheads!!
  39. Contractors - Crooks or honest differences?
  40. Texas! BAH! Now I'm really, REALLY pissed!
  41. Hurricane Ike =====> Houston?
  42. Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae takeover
  43. DNC versus RNC
  44. There ain't no flies on me.
  45. Hangover remedies?
  46. FW: Amish Computer Virus
  47. Hey Yo...
  48. McCain on why he chose Sarah Palin
  49. a little regional humour...
  50. Stupidest thing that I've seen this week.
  51. Rock of Love and other Reality TV stuff.
  52. Finish this sentence...
  53. Now, Zen....
  54. 3000 posts for LJ!
  55. A fun time-waster
  56. Does China = Hive Mind?
  57. My Living Will
  58. Put him on the table!
  59. A few daily words
  60. Who is 18 today?
  61. MMA: Lemme speak on this...
  62. Aaadd
  63. One Word!!!
  64. The Chili taster
  65. "Baddest Bods" in the Olympics
  66. It's just simple physics
  67. Funny Picture.
  68. Anyone else here use a Moleskine or other notebook?
  69. Let's play a game...
  70. My strange fascination with WW II
  71. Paging GMichael
  72. China beats Sweden 2-1 in Olympic women's soccer
  73. Liu Huan, Sarah Brightman to jointly present theme song
  74. Summer Olympics anyone?
  75. Alli - wonder drug or embarassment creator extraordinaire
  76. End of the Internet
  77. New Search engine (with images).
  78. new celly that is a music phone
  79. Question for Kex, Wooch and other Apple users
  80. You are doomed to be happy in wedlock.
  81. Has Vista gotten any better?
  82. Hey GM. Didn't I see this sign in front of your house?
  83. Times truly are "getting hard"
  84. i wish I had ricky around...
  85. THE YEAR ' S BEST (actual) HEADLINES
  86. PS3 Discussion Thread
  87. The funniest staff meeting ever!
  88. Political Satire or a Crude Attempt at Controversy
  89. this is a test
  90. Seeking advice on new...appliances!
  91. There's a time to wait.........
  92. Attention Kex!!!!!
  93. PsychopathTest
  94. Help!!!!
  95. 44 ODD Things about you!
  96. So here's my question...
  97. I want one!
  98. Puppy Pic. as promised
  99. The Colo(u)r Test.
  100. Pet Owners Doing Business with Petco
  101. New Beer Thread
  102. An endorsement for Amazon
  103. Me and sexy Adam
  104. Firefox 3 To Be Released on Tuesday (June 17), Attempting Record # of Downloads
  105. Does any1 know a tool for converting various video formats to Apple TV MP4 format!!
  106. Pagan Play station gamers
  107. Please help
  108. Do you like to watch Motorsports?
  109. And in sports news...
  110. More fun with our Sales department.
  111. Some feedback and opinions
  112. Let's talk about gas.
  113. Need to restrict my kids on the use of net!!!!!
  114. 5,000!
  115. The Return
  116. Betta Fish
  117. The Moose Song
  118. My 2,000th Post
  119. It occured to me the other day that life is a lot like "Blood Diamonds"
  120. Cottage Cheese - yea or nay?
  121. Drumcorps Season Starting Soon!
  122. Golf season is starting!!!
  123. MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots..
  124. I'm DONE! Graduation Day SATURDAY!!
  125. Dog Trapped.....
  126. im baaaack
  127. Latest DJ Scotty sighting
  128. Ahhh, Spring is in the Air!!!
  129. The revolution has begun!
  130. Who is king of the long posts?
  131. Don't forget the safety meeting...
  132. DVD Ripping Questions?
  133. The banana test
  134. This article really pisses me off!
  135. I'm movin' on up...
  136. I need a GOOD laptop!
  137. What's up for the weekend?
  138. An interesting morning.
  139. Who is your favorite AR debater?
  140. Rock sifter plans, Vibrating screen agitator, Need advice
  141. Inspirational
  142. Battery Storage?
  143. New user
  144. It's not bad enough that I have to deal with telemarketers every freakin' night?
  145. No Wonder the airports are packed these days!
  146. Ooooooouch! *!#*!@#^&*! My Calf!
  147. Moses in the sky with diamonds?
  148. Disturbing
  149. Who's got a Facebook page?
  150. New Apple User
  151. How much is, "too much money"?
  152. Beef recall
  153. say hi to all
  154. I am such a mean person!
  155. Here's a riddle...
  156. It's a long weekend! WOOHOOOO!!!!
  157. Can anyone help me?
  158. (I'll) Post A Picture Of Yourself [Pt.2]...
  159. Bad Parenting
  160. Actor Roy Scheider passes at the age of 75
  161. AT&T Uverse
  162. New product to clean your computer screen.
  163. So, how 'bout those Giants?
  164. The Old Rancher
  165. Abortion
  166. Look who's been lurkin'
  167. Beer joke PG13
  168. The treatment of returning Vietnam vets
  169. Quote of the Week
  170. Bank Fraud
  171. My big fat 1k post PARTY extrafantabuloustacular!
  172. The sad story of the indecisive Maple Leafs
  173. This is a joke, right? Programmed for love?
  174. Xbox, Playstation or Wii?
  175. Have you had, or know anyone, with one of these Select Comfort Beds?
  176. Happy New Year To Mother Earth
  177. Car talk!
  178. Happy New Year!
  179. Bone, JoeB, Pogue, Eyespy, mtry, others...
  180. Everything and Naught
  181. Did you know tonight......
  182. They walk among us
  183. Merry Christmas AR!
  184. Can you last longer than 30 sec.....
  185. Hockey Talk - Should the league take a stance...
  186. Extreme, Extreme, Extreme, ahhh-phooooiee!
  187. Bernd's tart...
  188. BZZZZZZT! - gotcha!
  189. Sometimes I think this state earns al the abuse it gets.
  190. Pay-pal/ebay.
  191. Hand fart duets
  192. New Computer questions:
  193. Saving Christmas
  194. Beer recommendations...
  195. Christmas time in AR Review land
  196. moisture behind eardrum
  197. How's this for being a Bonehead?
  198. An answer to the Global Warming Question?
  199. Check Out This Cake!
  200. What do you want for the Holidays?
  201. hello to forum members
  202. Happy Tweaksgiving!
  203. Turkey Footabll
  204. I love price match policies!
  205. Kids sure grow up fast nowadays, don't they?
  206. New Tv!!!!!!
  207. Oh, GMAFB.
  208. Monkeys...Elephants...back to Monkeys
  209. Serbia's Shameful Secret
  210. Christmas Gift Ideas
  211. I know we really shouldn't laugh at things like this, but sometimes...
  212. This is disgusting!
  213. $199 Computer @ Walmart.
  214. Who knows a little something about international phones?
  215. Who Would You Play???
  216. Sad day for me
  217. Happy Halloween!
  218. just a quick question
  219. The return of Sir T brings his 2000th post!
  220. X-Mas....
  221. Re: So Cal fires
  222. Audio Fantasy Inventions
  223. So, what's with India? First monkeys, now elephants.
  224. State vs corporate construction
  225. 2000 Posts for LJ!
  226. Flash! Wild Monkeys Kill Mayor!
  227. just dropping by to say...
  228. Don't let Google make any more music videos
  229. My winter is ruined!
  230. The Perfect Wedding...
  231. My contribution
  232. PS3 Replicates The Human Brain
  233. Mortgage Meltdown
  234. Anyone else hear a fire arms enthusiast?
  235. just wanted to...
  236. vewy's
  237. New and having a look.
  238. Speechless
  239. Nhl..
  240. Pro Football!
  241. If my Father wasn't dead.....
  242. College Football!
  243. Hello
  244. I'm bored
  245. Bizarre
  246. Men's Grooming / Shaving
  247. Is Sir Terrence the Terrible back?
  248. Boycotting Carl's Jr.
  249. Suggestions for my 1000th post?
  250. Just for fun