View Full Version : Off Topic/Non Audio
Pages :
- The really bad joke department
- Girl with higher IQ than Einstein...and...
- IE9 to arrive on monday.
- Image Host???
- Japan in ruins...
- Hockey talk - Chara vs. Pacioretty
- This is one of the best stories I've seen in a long time!
- Bad joke rising... I can't stop it!!!!
- New Season American Idol
- Web hosting help and tips
- And some people claim that there's nothing on TV.
- "Recent Reading"
- Map of world alcohol consumption
- The 9 Ways Guys Pee
- Those wonderful Church Bulletins!
- Trolling with flame bait? Brits show us how it's done.
- Well, I bought American
- Women, sex and money....
- I am adopting!
- Happy Valentine's Day to my AR men.
- Google Chrome
- Diet soda linked to stroke, cardiac risk
- Get off the bridge. Intel Screws the Pooch...
- All internet IP addresses are exhausted
- Hooh-ray for me today!!
- PC bundled software reactivation
- Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Tucson memorial service
- Live to Dance.
- Curiosity Almost Killed The Bear...
- Could Flashforward (TV show) really be happening???!
- How will you be bringing in 2011?
- Joshua Tree for the Holidays
- Okay, Ah'll ask... What did Sanity Clause bring ya?
- is there anything wrong with the AK servers?
- 5th graders in halellujah project
- I would like to thank the men of Audio Review.
- Help me remember an old fart.
- Awesome video - Danny Macaskill: Way Back Home
- Funniest Christmas Rap EVAH!!!
- Knowing...
- Fave Christmas/Holiday gift...
- The teddy bear goal!
- It's the end of the world as we know it!!!
- This just boggles my mind...
- Cautionary Tale....
- More computer help please
- Obama, the Wimp ... can't resist
- The worst Secret Santa gift ever...
- Is WikiLeaks good or bad?
- Ubuntu: Yoh! Kex whoever
- Thanksgiving recipes
- Everything's better in stereo
- A commercial I can git behind
- Facing the fact he might actually be going!
- Spam overload
- Dog lovers know your breeds!
- Experts say alcohol worse than crack, heroin
- Funniest commercials on TV today
- Jazz Radio
- Sir T, this may interest you....
- Another shot in the back
- Free Language Translation site
- Had My Sanity Restored This Weekend-Long Post
- Happy Halloween 2010
- So sick of Political commercials
- RIP Paul the Octopus
- the thread killer is here!
- My latest purchase
- Enough is too much!
- My Princess Boy
- CoCo Wheats?
- Miner's Rescue
- Happy 10/10/10 Day
- Must have caught it from one of the roofers.....
- To my fellow Canadians...
- Who shot who?
- Fall color
- Optical illusions
- Nigerian Money Scam Hits New Low...
- The world is too ugly and cruel
- Our new sponsor...
- The Refresh Rate in Mexico City is super fast!
- My new favourite commercial!
- Errrrr I guess the old wives tale is true.
- Friends I need advice about my sister....
- I'm in love with Prince Poppycock!
- Well I guess that's it then...
- First Multi-pitch climb
- Another nail in Comcast's coffin!
- Computer Question
- Another Darwin candidate: N.H. Teen Who Zapped Nipples During Shop Class Sues Teacher
- Hello from Window 7
- Thought I'd share this (Warning: Redneck Humor!)
- Any one for pizza!
- A joke for JohnMichael...
- Auto Insurance Question
- We all need to mellow out
- GMichael is Half A Century Old!!!!! - Holy Crap!
- Wtf?
- Micro Brewery Beer
- Hey, Sir Terrence L'enfant terrible...
- ....And then thefight started...........
- Quotes that help guide me in life!
- eMachine computers any good
- "Aren't we better than this?"
- For Baseball Fans
- Bad Joke..... Must Stop Myself!!!!
- RIP Old Friend
- I'm going back to school!
- This needs to be shared!
- I don't really understand
- I hate getting lost!
- Look at FA's back yard...!!
- How much ya wanna bet these ladies just got done shopping at Wal-Mart?
- I have no time for audio...
- Bad joke rising.... I must stop it!!!
- "No word on whether the horse was a white Bronco."
- Better to be lucky than good?
- Are you "dealin' with it"?
- The end is near for "cheap" Chinese products
- hi guys
- World Cup
- BP Board Game includes Oil Spill!
- So hot.. I'm melting....
- Elvis Fan or Not, This is Incredible
- New Yorkers paying $11 for pack of cigarettes
- To all my Canadian Friends...
- White House Picks Critic of Local Immigration Enforcement for Key Role at ICE, or...
- It's a little late for Mothers Day but you gotta see this.
- So, do you allow proud dad's on this board??
- Take THAT ya limey bastiches!!!!!
- Fact of the day.
- Bad Joke... must not print it!!!!
- Worse Chinese Knockoffs EVER!!!!
- Worlds Ugliest Dog Gives up da Ghost!
- Snail shortage in Paris linked to one man
- "What'choo talkin' 'bout"
- Worst Car Companies In The World
- Gotta love Canadian Television
- Irony at it's best.
- The latest oil spill shows..
- Worse Joke....
- Bad joike coming out..... can't stop it!!!
- Yaqin's Bad English Translation Page
- Wildlife
- Your ISP is watching you
- So much for Weight Watchers.
- Hulu to charge $9.95/Month by March 24?
- John Micheal!?! John!?!
- Know much about security systems?
- Brazil official urges more sex for better health
- Bad joke coming... must stop it!!!!
- New Camera!
- Oh the humanity! Epic Failures are funny!!!!
- Buns are for sissies!
- RIP Echo
- Springtime in Paris!
- The world's first virtual ice cream!
- April’s fools…
- GM 2.0 turns 8 months
- Large Hadron Collider (LHC) finally working
- AudioReview Trivia Question...
- Happy Belated B-Day wishes Feanor!
- Happy Birthday JohnMichael!!!!!
- For GMicheal
- Happy Birthday Horse Face!!!
- God Given Right!
- You're not in, Kansas, any more.
- The difference between US and Canadian health care
- Lost?
- Need a Pistol - Advise?
- Is Obama a fool?
- Israel shows US who's boss
- Does anyone know anything about windows?
- Kittens....
- Rush Limbaugh threatens to leave U.S. - Hooray!!
- 2010 Super Bowl Dorito commercial. Kid vs Man
- An interesting article about the "naturalness" of homosexuality
- To all you computer buffs, help!
- Markw should watch this...
- Holee Frikin Molee FA Our Prayers Have Been Answere! Death Ray for Mousquitos!!!
- My new favourite commercial...
- Question: Haircut makes you sick?
- Incredible classic car model set
- Need Garmin/Tom Tom help
- Poppa 2K
- The Green Police
- My McAfee is about to expire
- Palm Pre vs. iPhone vs. Blackberry
- Welcome to my town.
- Skype Anyone?
- Congrats to the Boys in Blue!!!!
- Go Vikes!
- Funny Pictures Thread
- This is funny!
- Okay Folks, weigh in! Bigger Douche Jay, Conan or NBC?
- Bad Joke... Coming Out... Can't Stop It!!!!!
- For those who could use a giggle.
- My New Year starts today
- Mid-level car buying advice
- A question for cat owners
- Something funny I found on craigslist
- For all the Beer Lovers!
- A poem for us crusty bunkers....
- Need some computer/software help
- White Christmas
- Your Christmas Wish List
- A little bit of politics for the holidays: Obama in Copenhagen
- Facebook in real life...
- One for "Da Girlz"
- Orville and Wilbur....
- Favorite Hot Beverage
- Bugatti incident
- To The Cast and Crew
- X-mas comes early for GM 2.0
- Something funny
- Amazon looses two more customers
- Happy Birthday Kex!
- Cuisinart is the antithesis of Haier.
- White House Party Crashers
- Giving Thanks
- Oprah. Love her or Hate her?
- Police nab Craiglist robbers
- They got my vote, err…goat.
- Try number two...
- Never buy anything made by Haier.
- As usual...
- Hedge Trimmer
- No Sympathy!
- Dilbert
- Colts Rule!!!!!
- Nor'easter
- Intel Pulls a Jacko, Pays AMD 1.29 Billion cash.
- Having A Bad Day!
- Why?
- Poppachubby: 1000 posts in 3 months
- I know we have some veterans here...
- Ford's New "Supercar"!!!
- What kind of cake do you like?
- State Secrets: Lemme speak on this...
- Anuther Bad Joke, must stop myself!!!!!
- Phillies take the collar in Game 3!
- H1n1
- Is that a ferret in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
- Top Gear's V12 Vantage review
- Goodbye to Dial-up
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