Off Topic/Non Audio [Archive] - Page 13 - Audio & Video Forums


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  1. The really bad joke department
  2. Girl with higher IQ than Einstein...and...
  3. IE9 to arrive on monday.
  4. Image Host???
  5. Japan in ruins...
  6. Hockey talk - Chara vs. Pacioretty
  7. This is one of the best stories I've seen in a long time!
  8. Bad joke rising... I can't stop it!!!!
  9. New Season American Idol
  10. Web hosting help and tips
  11. And some people claim that there's nothing on TV.
  12. "Recent Reading"
  13. Map of world alcohol consumption
  14. The 9 Ways Guys Pee
  15. Those wonderful Church Bulletins!
  16. Trolling with flame bait? Brits show us how it's done.
  17. Well, I bought American
  18. Women, sex and money....
  19. I am adopting!
  20. Happy Valentine's Day to my AR men.
  21. Google Chrome
  22. Diet soda linked to stroke, cardiac risk
  23. Get off the bridge. Intel Screws the Pooch...
  24. All internet IP addresses are exhausted
  25. Hooh-ray for me today!!
  26. PC bundled software reactivation
  27. Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  28. Tucson memorial service
  29. Live to Dance.
  30. Curiosity Almost Killed The Bear...
  31. Could Flashforward (TV show) really be happening???!
  32. How will you be bringing in 2011?
  33. Joshua Tree for the Holidays
  34. Okay, Ah'll ask... What did Sanity Clause bring ya?
  35. is there anything wrong with the AK servers?
  36. 5th graders in halellujah project
  37. I would like to thank the men of Audio Review.
  38. Help me remember an old fart.
  39. Awesome video - Danny Macaskill: Way Back Home
  40. Funniest Christmas Rap EVAH!!!
  41. Knowing...
  42. Fave Christmas/Holiday gift...
  43. The teddy bear goal!
  44. It's the end of the world as we know it!!!
  45. This just boggles my mind...
  46. Cautionary Tale....
  47. More computer help please
  48. Obama, the Wimp ... can't resist
  49. The worst Secret Santa gift ever...
  50. Is WikiLeaks good or bad?
  51. Ubuntu: Yoh! Kex whoever
  52. Thanksgiving recipes
  53. Its SNOWING!
  54. Everything's better in stereo
  55. A commercial I can git behind
  56. Facing the fact he might actually be going!
  57. Spam overload
  58. Dog lovers know your breeds!
  59. Experts say alcohol worse than crack, heroin
  60. Funniest commercials on TV today
  61. Jazz Radio
  62. Sir T, this may interest you....
  63. Another shot in the back
  64. Free Language Translation site
  65. Had My Sanity Restored This Weekend-Long Post
  66. Happy Halloween 2010
  67. So sick of Political commercials
  68. RIP Paul the Octopus
  69. the thread killer is here!
  70. My latest purchase
  71. Enough is too much!
  72. My Princess Boy
  73. CoCo Wheats?
  74. Miner's Rescue
  75. Happy 10/10/10 Day
  76. Must have caught it from one of the roofers.....
  77. To my fellow Canadians...
  78. Who shot who?
  79. Fall color
  80. Optical illusions
  81. Nigerian Money Scam Hits New Low...
  82. The world is too ugly and cruel
  83. Our new sponsor...
  84. The Refresh Rate in Mexico City is super fast!
  85. My new favourite commercial!
  86. Errrrr I guess the old wives tale is true.
  87. Friends I need advice about my sister....
  88. I'm in love with Prince Poppycock!
  89. Well I guess that's it then...
  90. First Multi-pitch climb
  91. Another nail in Comcast's coffin!
  92. Computer Question
  93. Another Darwin candidate: N.H. Teen Who Zapped Nipples During Shop Class Sues Teacher
  94. Hello from Window 7
  95. Thought I'd share this (Warning: Redneck Humor!)
  96. Any one for pizza!
  97. A joke for JohnMichael...
  98. Auto Insurance Question
  99. We all need to mellow out
  100. GMichael is Half A Century Old!!!!! - Holy Crap!
  101. Wtf?
  102. Micro Brewery Beer
  103. Hey, Sir Terrence L'enfant terrible...
  104. ....And then thefight started...........
  105. Quotes that help guide me in life!
  106. eMachine computers any good
  107. "Aren't we better than this?"
  108. For Baseball Fans
  109. Bad Joke..... Must Stop Myself!!!!
  110. RIP Old Friend
  111. I'm going back to school!
  112. This needs to be shared!
  113. I don't really understand
  114. I hate getting lost!
  115. Look at FA's back yard...!!
  116. How much ya wanna bet these ladies just got done shopping at Wal-Mart?
  117. I have no time for audio...
  118. Bad joke rising.... I must stop it!!!
  119. "No word on whether the horse was a white Bronco."
  120. Better to be lucky than good?
  121. Are you "dealin' with it"?
  122. The end is near for "cheap" Chinese products
  123. hi guys
  124. World Cup
  125. BP Board Game includes Oil Spill!
  126. So hot.. I'm melting....
  127. Elvis Fan or Not, This is Incredible
  128. New Yorkers paying $11 for pack of cigarettes
  129. To all my Canadian Friends...
  130. White House Picks Critic of Local Immigration Enforcement for Key Role at ICE, or...
  131. It's a little late for Mothers Day but you gotta see this.
  132. So, do you allow proud dad's on this board??
  133. Take THAT ya limey bastiches!!!!!
  134. Fact of the day.
  135. Bad Joke... must not print it!!!!
  136. Worse Chinese Knockoffs EVER!!!!
  137. Worlds Ugliest Dog Gives up da Ghost!
  138. Snail shortage in Paris linked to one man
  139. "What'choo talkin' 'bout"
  140. Worst Car Companies In The World
  141. Gotta love Canadian Television
  142. Irony at it's best.
  143. The latest oil spill shows..
  144. Worse Joke....
  145. Bad joike coming out..... can't stop it!!!
  146. Yaqin's Bad English Translation Page
  147. Wildlife
  148. Your ISP is watching you
  149. So much for Weight Watchers.
  150. Hulu to charge $9.95/Month by March 24?
  151. John Micheal!?! John!?!
  152. Know much about security systems?
  153. Brazil official urges more sex for better health
  154. Bad joke coming... must stop it!!!!
  155. New Camera!
  156. Oh the humanity! Epic Failures are funny!!!!
  157. Buns are for sissies!
  158. RIP Echo
  159. Springtime in Paris!
  160. The world's first virtual ice cream!
  161. April’s fools…
  162. GM 2.0 turns 8 months
  163. Large Hadron Collider (LHC) finally working
  164. AudioReview Trivia Question...
  165. Happy Belated B-Day wishes Feanor!
  166. Happy Birthday JohnMichael!!!!!
  167. For GMicheal
  168. Happy Birthday Horse Face!!!
  169. God Given Right!
  170. You're not in, Kansas, any more.
  171. The difference between US and Canadian health care
  172. Lost?
  173. Need a Pistol - Advise?
  174. Is Obama a fool?
  175. Israel shows US who's boss
  176. Does anyone know anything about windows?
  177. Kittens....
  179. Rush Limbaugh threatens to leave U.S. - Hooray!!
  180. 2010 Super Bowl Dorito commercial. Kid vs Man
  181. An interesting article about the "naturalness" of homosexuality
  182. To all you computer buffs, help!
  183. Markw should watch this...
  184. Holee Frikin Molee FA Our Prayers Have Been Answere! Death Ray for Mousquitos!!!
  185. My new favourite commercial...
  186. Question: Haircut makes you sick?
  187. Incredible classic car model set
  188. Need Garmin/Tom Tom help
  189. Poppa 2K
  190. The Green Police
  191. My McAfee is about to expire
  192. Palm Pre vs. iPhone vs. Blackberry
  193. Welcome to my town.
  194. Skype Anyone?
  195. Congrats to the Boys in Blue!!!!
  196. Go Vikes!
  197. Funny Pictures Thread
  198. This is funny!
  199. Okay Folks, weigh in! Bigger Douche Jay, Conan or NBC?
  200. Bad Joke... Coming Out... Can't Stop It!!!!!
  202. For those who could use a giggle.
  203. My New Year starts today
  204. Mid-level car buying advice
  205. A question for cat owners
  206. Something funny I found on craigslist
  207. For all the Beer Lovers!
  208. A poem for us crusty bunkers....
  209. Need some computer/software help
  210. White Christmas
  211. Your Christmas Wish List
  212. A little bit of politics for the holidays: Obama in Copenhagen
  213. Facebook in real life...
  214. One for "Da Girlz"
  215. Orville and Wilbur....
  216. Favorite Hot Beverage
  217. Bugatti incident
  218. To The Cast and Crew
  219. X-mas comes early for GM 2.0
  220. Something funny
  221. Amazon looses two more customers
  222. Happy Birthday Kex!
  223. Cuisinart is the antithesis of Haier.
  224. White House Party Crashers
  225. Giving Thanks
  226. Oprah. Love her or Hate her?
  227. Police nab Craiglist robbers
  228. They got my vote, err…goat.
  229. Try number two...
  230. Never buy anything made by Haier.
  231. As usual...
  232. Hedge Trimmer
  233. No Sympathy!
  234. Dilbert
  235. Colts Rule!!!!!
  236. Nor'easter
  237. Intel Pulls a Jacko, Pays AMD 1.29 Billion cash.
  238. Having A Bad Day!
  239. Why?
  240. Poppachubby: 1000 posts in 3 months
  241. I know we have some veterans here...
  242. Ford's New "Supercar"!!!
  243. What kind of cake do you like?
  244. State Secrets: Lemme speak on this...
  245. Anuther Bad Joke, must stop myself!!!!!
  246. Phillies take the collar in Game 3!
  247. H1n1
  248. Is that a ferret in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
  249. Top Gear's V12 Vantage review
  250. Goodbye to Dial-up