View Full Version : Off Topic/Non Audio
Pages :
- Listening to music is good for the heart
- Locking threads vs deleting unwanted replies
- Dating tips from 1938
- Back from Washington DC
- Do Dogs go to heaven?
- I almost blew up
- What, exactly, was the problem with that last tread?
- Gas prices around the world
- Deleted Threads
- Second Annual "Man it was so hot today" Trhread...
- Just dropped in to say Hi!
- Parlez vous francais?
- Happy July 4th audio peoples...
- Say goodbye to Soda
- Yesterday I saw this turtle pumping gas.
- Thank you SCOTUS
- Understanding Millennials?
- Amazing panaromic view collection
- A day of good company, good food and shopping for art.
- Longest day of the year
- Art and music, love it
- Best midnight snack
- I got Swarmed
- Home remedies pests control
- Any Windsor Chair fans?
- How many miles you walk a week.
- Cellphone Users Check Phones 150x/Day
- New Pope seems progressive
- Pat Robertson Defends Cheating Husband
- The days of tax-free Internet shopping are over.
- "... and that's when I tried to hit him...."
- World's first website restored
- Why do women give mix signal
- Same pronunciation words
- Products that make you ask WTF?
- Walmart going down hill
- Top 10 (selling) beers in U.S.
- So much fun to watch
- Annette's gone to the great beach party in the sky.
- Well . . . doggies !!
- Which girl/boy from TV show you had a crush
- Firefox not parsing links?
- History Changing Potential
- Most influential cars of the '90s
- Mobile Wireless Speed Faceoff
- Get on the bus
- Lets hope the next Pope..
- Hey!!! Will Sombebody Turn Off the Frackin' Snow!!!!????
- So here's what I wanna know...
- Burger King Whopper contain horse meat
- In case you never saw this.....
- Joke of the Day
- Free... At last!
- Hey!!! Will Sombebody Turn Up the Frackin' Heat!!!!????
- Your Favorite Fruit
- National Geographic's photo contest winners
- Joke of the Day
- Congress getting raises
- This might be funny on SNL, but not in the news.
- Toughest Bridge in the World
- Merry Christmas, folks
- Question about cellphone and Sim card
- Booooooooo!
- Happy Winter Solstice
- And still this happens.....
- America's Best and Worst Restaurants
- $3.2 million a year
- Flight attendants biggest pet peeves
- Sad day for New Yorkers. Stage Deli Closing.
- A few more pictures
- Another "Two and a Half Men" burnout.
- Woke up - Took picture
- More Sandy Fallout: LIPA bills customers as if nothing happened.
- Lying Salesman Nexus 7/Ipad Mini
- JR Ewing has left the building.
- Single Twinkies for $5000
- Happy Thanksgiving!!
- Malala for the Nobel Peace Prize...
- Faux News - News by dropouts for dropouts...
- So it begun...
- Currently Active Users
- Way to go Washington and Colorado state
- Vote early. Vote often.
- Monday, Monday
- Deer Crossings
- A Universe from Nothing...
- You East Coasters
- A brief vacation
- Best Frozen Pizza
- I deleted Markw's thread.
- 10 Used Cars to Avoid
- So fellow Canadians...
- What the hell yellow!
- I know you just want to be Canadian...
- The space shuttle "Endeavor"
- Mitt and Ryan
- My Son da "Uber Knucklehead" (You can't make this stuff up)
- Art Prints?
- So we didn't adopt a dog but...
- Chewing gum to avoid
- I just had a young woman
- It's Party Time!!!!!
- Amazon Instant Video's - lame
- Houston, we have landed
- Drive-Thru Window
- Smart or anarchist?
- Olympics in HD
- A question for dog owners...
- First Jean Jacket in 20 years.!!!
- Believe it or not but I actually MISS Pixie!
- Drink of the month
- When bad nusring homes kill good people
- Search for Members
- New car - 'blah' practicality
- Today will be 104 degrees
- Goober's gone, and now Andy Griffith
- Storm knocked out power.
- Get out the vote
- Car Talk: 2012 JD Power Quality Rankings Released
- Congrats King James...
- So now it begins....
- OMG I am so
- Let's talk about immigration...
- Is this brilliant or dumb
- Suicide...
- The 66th Tony Awards
- NPR’s ‘Car Talk’ duo retiring
- The Piano Puppet
- Free movies & TV shows
- When Dr. Seuss Went to War!!!
- Stuck with AT&T which suck
- Backlash Blues and Rainbow Flags
- Vets
- 3,000th post
- Happy National Escargot Day
- Add the remaining ingredients
- Dog Eat Dog- blogspot
- Attention all you Canucks out there.
- Bad joke of the day
- My dog exploded
- Gay marriage...
- Car Talk: 2015 Ford Mustang - NICE!
- What minimum wage buys, then and now
- It's a one world IRS...
- R.i.p.
- Dick Clark just passed.
- Funny story.
- All Flyered Up!
- 10 Cars to Beat High Gas Prices
- Just a quick reminder to my friends...
- I need a vacation, I need suggestions
- check out these "Iguanas"
- Water cooler time...!
- My new "Uniform of the Day"
- Heady Topper
- It was 80 degrees on Stowe Moutain today...WTF
- Eggs with Hotdog & Spinach
- Someone, somewhere, please help...
- Positive Customer Experience
- Ebay Question
- Anyone into watches
- Miley Cyrus not as dumb as everyone thinks
- BC Teachers have voted 87% to escalate the strike...
- Inside Whitehouse HT room
- Anyone else a Bill Maher fan?
- 50 years ago "Friendship 7" and John Glenn
- Americans love us 'Nucks-- we're their No. 1
- The Education Gap and the red herring of Race
- WTF??!!! If this has happened to "Archie" I know I'm old now.
- Alternative to landline phone
- The face of an internet Troll...
- Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position.
- "The Rules"
- For those that are enjoying the math problems..
- They got mad skills now...
- A verbal math problem.
- Got this one from an American...
- Another Math problem
- Enjoy your brand new Iphones,,Ipads, and whatever.
- Woman with two vaginas
- Math Problem
- Google street view
- US Has thrown Away It's Manufacturing Base.
- Wikipedia goes dark for 24 hours to protest web piracy bills
- New party for the U.S. Election...
- Happy Birthday, ForeverAutumn
- Liberal...
- Any photographers?
- Dick Clark recovering
- How Loving God Becomes Hating Others
- National Geographic pictures of the year
- Merry Christmas!
- A cautionary tale...
- R.I.P Christopher Hitchens...
- 10 Cars That Damaged GM's Reputation
- Early Christmas Present
- Toppings on your pizza
- Fishing Seasons Over
- Earth from 240 miles away
- Anyone got a Xoom?
- My son... Da College Boy!!!!
- Are there any art collectors here?
- I think that I found Lex
- And the mystery continues...
- Digital Camera Question
- Yee Hah, caught a whole mess of fish this weekend.
- But your Honour...I HAD to kill my cat...
- An interesting drive home yesterday.
- I just got the weirdest computer error...
- Does anyone here use a pressure cooker?
- Car Talk: I'm looking for a compact hatch
- Who doesn't like hot possy?
- Heeee Hawww!!!! I made it!!!!
- So its been a while....
- Bad joke I can't help it!!
- World internet speed ranking
- Amazing what one finds......
- Guys and Gals I think I just wrote a musical
- Been out for a while
- Am I The Most Hopeless Romantic?
- Ya fotta give spam credit for one thing at least.
- Cars we won't be able to afford!! The Frankfurt Auto Show...
- Remembering 9/11
- Science and lack thereof...
- Expect a lot of bald long-jumpers at the Olympics.
- What's with all the dead hockey players?! :(
- Another foot washes ashore in Vancouver
- Hey... it's too quiet round here... Did Pix...
- Well.... that was interesting, Irene's come and gone!
- Manly Recipes
- Giggling on a Friday afternoon...
- Question for Sir T or anyone with dog experience.
- I felt the earth move under my feet...
- post your photography
- America and freedom
- Advice from my freinds...
- Your Favorite Drink
- Post #6666
- U.S. Borrowing Now 100 Percent of GDP
- Canada must pay for its crimes!
- A new favorite video
- It is so HOT outside...
- Why do men think this is romantic?
- Thoughts and opinions...
- Micro Cars
- Who's on Google+
- Upset, Japan Over US in Womens Soccer!
- Inside Space Shuttle Discovery - Panoramic view
- Polygamy. Acceptable? Immoral? State your views here.
- Profile updates
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