Love the speaker, but it's hard to make out the Rotel and TT. Yes definitely more. I haven't seen much of your gear or room, and I would love to.
Did you see my Mission thread? I am picking up a mint pair of 707's this week. Opinions?
Noob, your carts and rig look great!!!! How is that Goldring? Is it coil or magnet? It looks like it isn't mounted on the Rega. Was getting the new motor installed difficult, it looks involved.
Awesome pictures!!!
Originally Posted by Enochrome
Noob, your carts and rig look great!!!! How is that Goldring? Is it coil or magnet? It looks like it isn't mounted on the Rega. Was getting the new motor installed difficult, it looks involved.
Awesome pictures!!!
Thanks for the kudos!
Actually, there are three Goldrings in this thread. I'm a loyal Goldring fan. The last one is a 1042 (moving magnet), currently mounted on the P5. There's also an Eroica (moving coil), which was at one time mounted on the MMF-5. Early in the thread you'll see the 2200 (moving magnet) currently on the MMF-5. Given that I found what I like, my Goldring cartridges get all the playing time. They track well, have nice midrange and on the P5 have great authoritative bass...a little softer on the MMF-5.
The motor installation wasn't too bad. Other than spending well over half the time trying to remove old solder, it was actually fairly easy. I probably used less than a quarter as much solder as they did.
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Here's the Red. It has come a long way sense I first got it. I'm sure I have over a humdred hours on it. I wont bore you with audiophile talk. Just know the sibilance has gone, its clear, transparent, is a tad little recessed in mids but never the less its warmer than the OM10. Not as warm as my Elan, but the entry level Elan is not as detailed as the Red. Its a good cart. I would love to hear a 2M Blue...and more upscale Goldring.
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This is a shot of my Marantz. Its a universal player and a good one at that It retail at $699 when introduced a few years back. I use it strictly as a SACD. It's very good but it has a few flaws like slow loading. But the sound is great.
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I really like this table. It really does a good job for a person getting back into vinyl after being away for 20+ years. No matter how much I like it, it can only produce to its limits. When first introduced a few years back , it was said that it was an entry level audiophile table. And because it is, then its limited in its arm as well. So I know that it only gets better as I continue to go up in quality from here. But as is, this is a fine table at that.
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To me, Canton speakers are a well kept secret in American audiophile circles. They are extreemly well known and loved over seas. They have very good imaging with a great mid-range and a lively tweeter. They have a decent bottom end as well. They are 14.2" tall 7.5 wide and 10.6 deep. The Frequency response is 38...30.000 Hz, the power handling is140 watts and they are 89 db. They have a silk dome tweeter and aluminum mid woofer and real wood veneer...no vinyl wrap. These speakers have a great dispersion of music and they are not boring at all. These are great speakers and I plain on upgrading to the Ergo series. I forgot to add...if you want a speaker to give you emotion and feeling from your music...Canton is one of those speakers that can.
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This is my preamp. Its a pretty good one at that. It has a very nice phono stag as well. It does everything well. At $1200 dollars it better at lease be decent. But last week it really got exposed for what it is...very good mid fi. After listening to a Audio Research LS 15 tubed preamp I felt I really need an upgrade. But until then this is still a good preamp...not bright but not warm...no cutting edge in music at all.
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At 200watts a channel this thing rock very well. Its smooth and never misses a beat...nothing else needs to be said.
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This is my baby. This thing is like really good. It comes in two pieces....the right side is the transport and DAC and the left side is the power supply. And there is a third piece that I am waiting for...a tubed DAC. that is said to take it over the top and on par with Musical Fidelity's KW series tube DAC and CDP outfit. The X DAC is hard to come across as people are not letting them go. The three pieces when in production together cost $3K and the DAC costing $1500 by its self.
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Sorry about the side way picture. These are my Analysis Plus cables. If you can get past the color these are pretty good cables. They are what hold down the edge from the Rotel. They are a warm and detailed cable.
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My 2 channel room is in the basement that leads to my back yard as you can see. The gear faces kissing doors that lead to the biggest part of the basement where one of my home theaters. I have another home theater in the family room up stairs.
Wow...the frenchmon throwing down some audio porn. Verry nice!
Any body else what to shoe off their gear? lets keep this thread going
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Oh my God!! Frenchie everything looks great. Between you and noob, there's no point. I'm not just talking about posting photos, I mean there's no point in continuing with this hobby. My camera sucks, most definitely. I'll take a crack at some pics tommorrow with the daylight.
1 Attachment(s)
Threw in some Paradigms this morning. I am waiting to fill the void with the Missions. This pair have nice imaging and mid range but no bass at all.
PappaC Do you use that Rantz vintage? I also have Paradigm Towers Monitor 7 v3 in my main home theater....they are not bad at all...I did do a shoot out with them and my Cantons and the Cantons walked all over them. Just two different speakers with two different sounds.
I also have a pair of Paradigms in my home theater in the basement.
Actually the 1515 just went upstairs do pull 2 channel duty in the HT system. Don't ask...
Just getting in a little quality time with Ray Brown Trio and the Marantz.
That table with the glass platter is just stunning. The arm sorta looks like a fatter version of the arm on my MMF 2.1
I will like to make a platform like the one you table is resting on if you dont mind?
This looks very inviting...To bad you are not around the corner from me....I would love to plug it into the Rotel and Cantons...im lusting ...now!
Originally Posted by frenchmon
That table with the glass platter is just stunning. The arm sorta looks like a fatter version of the arm on my MMF 2.1
I will like to make a platform like the one you table is resting on if you dont mind?
I'd be honored to have you make a platform like mine. We'll be platform brothers!
Frenchmon, the old Systemdek tables had glass platters also. They had beautiful wood plinths. I posted one for you to look at when you were first deciding. You can get them for a great price nowadays, usually with a decent arm/cart already installed.
The EICO is one of my finest acquisitions. Bought from an eccentric DIY'er for a song. You indeed need to hear what a rectifier can do for a circuit.
Keep in mind, one of the Yahoo EICO Group mods lives in the same city as me. If you bought an EICO, or any similar vintage American tube pre, he could fix it up for you. I could get you a deal for sure.
Here's his site, look under HF-85 to see what he has done with my model.
Originally Posted by 02audionoob
I'd be honored to have you make a platform like mine. We'll be platform brothers!
Well thank you sir...a fine gent you are.
Originally Posted by poppachubby
Frenchmon, the old Systemdek tables had glass platters also. They had beautiful wood plinths. I posted one for you to look at when you were first deciding. You can get them for a great price nowadays, usually with a decent arm/cart already installed.
The EICO is one of my finest acquisitions. Bought from an eccentric DIY'er for a song. You indeed need to hear what a rectifier can do for a circuit.
Keep in mind, one of the Yahoo EICO Group mods lives in the same city as me. If you bought an EICO, or any similar vintage American tube pre, he could fix it up for you. I could get you a deal for sure.
Here's his site, look under HF-85 to see what he has done with my model.
So if its a tubed preamp...and the Golden tube is an amp...are they paired together? IF so, do you have to much of a warm sound going on? if not what do you have each mated with? Is it a hybrid system? How have you got your system set up?
Yes the EICO and the SE40 are together. Not hybrid at all. Of course the overall sound is "warm", but the EICO added fidelity more than anything else. The high frequencies come screaming out of my speakers, and bass can thump and bump.
I know you have heard good tube systems, so you know what I'm talking about. There are some people who think that any amount of tubes in the chain, means the sound becomes a warm pile of mush. The reality is, combined with the rectifier the fidelity is through the roof. Better than any component i have owned. Academic elements like imaging and staging, are bolstered to detailed and exciting levels, while the feel and sound of the music is natural and compelling.
I had a Kenwood Basic C1 with the SE40. The jump in SQ once I added the EICO was phenomenal.
Aside from that, my sig lists my Reference chain.
Hahaha, hey I just thought about that. Frenchie I worry you may have too much solid state. It's too solid fenchie, you must lessen the state.
Originally Posted by poppachubby
Hahaha, hey I just thought about that. Frenchie I worry you may have too much solid state. It's too solid fenchie, you must lessen the state.
You can never have to much solid state if you got the right solid state. My solid is not piercing at all. Cable and speaker wire has something to do with it as well as speakers with emotion. The worst thing you can do is get a sterile pair of speakers...ahhh I hate sterile and cold speakers...they tend not to have any life if you ask me. Dont think tubes is the only way to introduce sweetness with a little warmth into your system. I know you heard that Reference Marantz at that audio show....that was solid state. And im sure they didnt have it set up to where they got the max out of the gear....Reference Marantz is not edgy at all for solid state. With the right cable and speaker wire and CDP the Marantz can be just as warm as tubes.
Hey...this solid will move you....I garuntee!
I sold the MMF-5, today. I should've asked the buyer if I could post his picture in my AR thread. :)